Eine Fotografie der Tische in Bau 1

Conditions for admission

Drei Studenten laufen eine Treppe herunter

Second Study & Special Applications

Studierende im Lichthof von Bau 1 von oben

Admission & allocation of study places

Application start and deadline summer & winter semester


Start date for applications summer term


Start date for applications winter term


Last possible date for applications / summer term


Last possible date for applications / winter term (see table below for deviating deadline interior design)

Application for winter semester 24/25 at a glance

Submission of the online application for 1st and higher semester:

Detailed application procedure: 1st semester / higher semester

The application procedure is online! This means that you upload all your documents in the HFT application portal. Please do not send us any paper documents! This is only the case at the time of enrollment/registration.

All bachelor programmes at the HFT Stuttgart (except Bachelor of Mathematics) are subject to local admission restrictions, i.e. only a limited number of places are available. Information on the allocation procedure can be found here

Eine Frau sitz am Fenster und schreibt auf dem Laptop

Deadlines, Preliminary Internship and selection criteria


The following table shows you at a glance the application deadlines for our individual Bachelor's programmes, whether you need a pre-study internship and which eligibility criteria improve your chances of admission.

course of studies Application deadline (SS/WS) pre-study internship (VP) Raise note by
Architecture and Design      
Architecture 15.01 / 15.07. 8 weeks  Training
Interior Architecture - / 31.05 -  
Climate Engineering 15.01 / - 4 weeks  Training, motivation

Civil Engineering, Building Physics and Business Management

Civil Engineering 15.01 /15.07. 12 weeks Training, Maths grade HZB*
Building Physics - / 15.07. - Training
Business Administration 15.01 / 15.07. 6 weeks Education, 2 foreign languages HZB*
Infrastructure Management 15.01 / 15.07. - Training
Civil Engineering and Business Management 15.01 / 15.07. 12 weeks  Training
Business Psychology 15.01 / 15.07. 6 weeks Training, Maths grade HZB*
Geomatics, Computer Science and Mathematics      
Computer Science 15.01 / 15.07. - Training, Maths grade HZB*
Digitalisation and Information Management - / 15.07.   Education, relevant. Activity(ies)
Applied Mathematics 15.01. / 15.07. - Training, Maths grade HZB*
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality-Engineering 15.01. / 15.07. - Traning, Maths/Informatics grade HZB*
Surveying and Geoinformatics 15.01. / 15.07. - Training
Business Information Systems 15.01. / 15.07. - Training, Maths grade HZB*

* HZB = university entrance qualification

The following Bachelor's programmes do not start in the summer semester:

  • Interior Design
  • Building physics
  • Digitalisation and Information Management

The following Bachelor's programmes do not start in the winter semester:

  • Climate Engineering

Different application deadline for the winter semester for the Bachelor of Interior Architecture

  • 1 May

Requirements fulfilled? Then you can start with your application!

Studierende betreten Bau 1 der HFT über den Haupteingang

What do I need for my application?

Check, scan and upload:

Online application procedure, therefore important

  • a valid e-mail address & regular checking of messages
  • Internet access and scanner to upload the necessary documents
  • Regular login to the respective application portals (check status of your application and your priorities)

Do you need additional information on the following topics?


Eine Fotografie der Tische in Bau 1

Application for a Bachelor programme 1st semester

Paperless online application via hochschulstart.de and HFT applicant portal

  • register at hochschulstart.de (DOSV)
  • You will receive access data (BID/BAN)
  • direct forwarding to our applicant portal or direct access
  • automatic transfer of data by entering BID/BAN
  • provide the necessary information for the application
  • upload relevant documents


Submit application by entering BID and BAN

  • Application/processing status visible at any time on both portals
  • Be sure to check your prioritization on hochschulstart.de!
  • wait and see if you get a licence

The application and coordination phase on hochschulstart.de and why prioritising your applications is so important!

Application phase 7 May 2024 - 15 July 2024

  • Goal: To get a study place in your desired study program!
  • Hochschulstart determines in the Coordination phase the best possible study offer for you! The process is based on your "wish list", on your applications that are at the top of the list.
  • With the start of the coordination rules - approx. 1 week after the application deadline (23.07.) - the procedure decides for you and accepts the highest offer for you. Lower ranked applications for which you receive an offer will then be dropped.
  • Make sure you prioritize by 22.07. or check whether this still corresponds to your wishes .
  • Tip: Think carefully about what you would like to study and in what order, and place your favorite in 1st place. You can change the prioritization at any time until the end of the procedure.
  • If you do not prioritize, your applications will remain in the order in which they were submitted.
  • How and where to prioritize: save under "My applications" below the table "Submitted applications", link "Prioritize applications".

"received": Your application has been sent to HFT and is now being processed. This may take some time. For example, the review may not take place until after the application deadline.

"valid": Your application has been reviewed and will participate in the award process in the coordination phase.

"provisionally excluded": important information or documents to be submitted are missing or incorrect. If this is not corrected within the specified period, application does not participate in the procedure. Status then "excluded

Details on the respective status

Eine Glasfront vor Vorlesungsräumen

Application for a Bachelor's programme higher semester

Paperless online application via HFT applicant portal

Application submitted and then?

  • Application/processing status can be viewed at any time on the HFT application portal
  • wait and see if you get a licence


General Contact Student's admissions office
+49 (0)711 8926 -2662 or -2659

We have summarized further details for you in the FAQs.

  • If you are enrolled in an identical or equivalent degree programme, it is no longer possible to apply for the 1st semester.
  • If you have lost the right to take an examination in an identical or equivalent course of study at a University of Applied Sciences, a new enrolment in this course of study is no longer possible.
  • The certificate of exmatriculation from the previous university must be submitted at the latest when enrolling.

The waiting period is calculated according to the number of half-years that have elapsed since obtaining the university entrance qualification. If you were already enrolled at one or more universities in Germany, these semesters will be deducted from your waiting period.

The maximum creditable waiting period is 7 semesters.

Within the waiting period quota of 10%, the study places are always allocated on a current basis, i.e. the applicant with the longest waiting period receives the first study place and so on. The waiting period of the applicant who received the last available study place is the marginal rank. In case of equal rank, the second criterion is the Abitur grade, the third criterion is whether one has completed a service and then the lot.

Yes, if you submit the certificate by the application deadline (15.01. for the SS /15.07. for the WS). In the online application, please enter the expected date of your final exam and upload your last received (interim) certificate as proof.