Ausstellung aus Von Schalen entworfen an der HFT Stuttgart in Bau 1

"designed from shells" - exhibition at the HFT Stuttgart in Building 1

Results of the research project “Stuttgart 210 - thinking ahead, building ahead!” on display at the university in the atrium in Building 1 from 29 January 2025 to March 2025

A crooked log also makes a straight fire. Despite this saying and plans for thermal utilisation, an interdisciplinary team from the universities of Constance (Prof. Stefan Krötsch), Stuttgart (Prof. Andreas Kretzer) and Karlsruhe (Prof. Robert Pawlowski) spent two years investigating forward-looking concepts on how the innovative reuse of formwork elements from the construction of Stuttgart's new main railway station can make an ecological contribution to the construction sector.

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Showcase of the most impressive student work from the past year from all degree programmes at the Faculty of Architecture and Design. The presence exhibition at the university in Building 8 showed a selection of student work from 17 to 24 October 2024.
All the best student work can still be seen in the digital collection:

Have fun discovering!

Veranstaltungsbild der PROMPT.7 Reihe

Review of this year's Point 7 lecture series and exhibition "UTOPIE KI"

The Point 7 lecture series “PROMPT.7 - Artificial Intelligence in Architecture” took place on Friday, 17 January 2025 at the Faculty of Architecture and Design in Building 8. 

The exhibition "UTOPIE KI: fake it till you make it" simultaneously showed the results of the compulsory elective subject of the same name.

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The Faculty of Architecture and Design offers 9 programmes combining all building core competences all in one place.

Facilities and Rooms
Very well equipped facilities offer optimal conditions for studying on a contemporary level: computer rooms, workshops for scale models and prototypes in all relevant material classes, 3D lab incl. laser cutter, various measuring and laboratory equipment, a photo studio and a light laboratory with an ‘artificial sky’. Here you can work directly on your projects, find exchange and mutual support. We have our own print service directly in-house letting you print plans at cost. With the completion of Building 4 work rooms and studios are available to all degree programmes. This significantly improve the space available to date. Find the facilities here


Professors with Practical Experience
Our faculty’s Professors have many years of practical experience in renowned architecture and planning offices or companies in the construction and design industry. In addition to their professorship the majority of them are constantly working in the field – this benefits you directly. For many topics, outstanding and very committed specialists from the professional world provide support in the form of teaching assignments.

Small Semester SubgroupsPersonal Support
Semester subgroups support solidarity among the students; many exercises and projects are worked on in small groups. This ensures intensive personal support from our professors and lecturers. There is also extensive cooperation with other disciplines. In addition, a team of academic staff is available to answer questions and provide advice.

Study Advisory Service for students
The Central Student Advisory Service supports students with all challenges related to their studies and helps them to successfully complete their studies. The counselling is confidential and independent.
Further information

Subject-related Student Advisory Service:
The Subject-related Student Advisory Service supports you with specific questions regarding the content of your degree programme.
For the Architecture degree programme: Studienberatung-Architektur(at)
For the Interior Design degree programme: Studienberatung-Innenarchitektur(at)
For the ClimateEngineering degree programme: Studienberatung-KlimaEngineering(at)

Discover me!

Discover what really suits you!

Find your study area

Studying and Working in the City of Architects and Engineering
Already during your studies you will have the opportunity to gain early professional experience in practice, for example as an architecture student in one of the numerous architecture and planning offices in Stuttgart and the surrounding area. The job profiles in the area of architecture and design include concept design and technical design, design for trade fairs, furniture and shop construction, interior design, climate engineering, project management and control, urban development, energy-optimised construction and smart city solutions. 

Gaining Experience abroad
The partnership with around 80 universities worldwide offers our students the opportunity to gain a wide range of professional and cultural experience during a semester abroad.

Practical Orientation – it’s what makes us special
A strong reference to the real-world application of planning and building as well as integrative forms of teaching, many in an interdisciplinary and project-oriented form, are the University of Applied Sciences’ standout feature. Close connection to implementation and practical relevance are always the focus. What you learn here can be immediately applied in professional practice right after completing the programme. This keeps our graduates in great demand in the working environment.

64Scholarships 2023

30Students per professor

1100Workshop area in m²

44 Partner universities of the faculty abroad

Our Programmes

Architecture and Design


Here you will find student projects from all 9 degree programmes:

Real Lab

These projects were developed conceptually in group work and implemented in real life in an experimental environment with students.

Newsletter of the Faculty of Architecture and Design

Our newsletter informs you on a regular basis of what's new: Developments within the faculty, new programmes, diversified events such as symposia, presentations, exhibitions and lectures.

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