Arpita Sinha

Doctoral candidate HFT Stuttgart

As I am very close to the nature I mean that as nature, greenery or trees grow, I wish my Phd and my career also grows with it. Like the small plants on my desk, I wish my career blooms as the plant grows and by the end of my Phd I wish to see this small plant into a full grown up green plant which will also reflect my career growth.

[Image: HFT Stuttgart]

Qualification concept for the doctorate

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences combines individual research with support and qualification opportunities for its doctoral candidates. In cooperation with the doctoral candidates and professors, the Graduate School has developed a qualification concept with three focal points for the further training of doctoral candidates. In addition, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and the Graduate School promote attendance at national and international conferences and organise summer schools.

Qualification programme HFT and doctoral association BW

At least three specialised or interdisciplinary seminars must be attended as part of a doctorate with the Promotionsverband. You can choose from a qualification program offered by the Graduate School of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, the Promotionsverband itself (BW-CAR DEEP Doctoral Empowering Excellence Programme) or other qualification programs that are useful for your doctoral project.

Specialist colloquia and workshops

In specialist colloquia of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences' research groups or the Promotionsverband as well as doctoral workshops organised by the Graduate School, doctoral candidates are offered the opportunity to present and discuss their own research projects and to network with other doctoral candidates and knowledge carriers at the university.

Thesis Committee

The Thesis Committee is an annual formal meeting attended by the first and second supervisors and the Graduate School. At this "status meeting", you provide information about your current research status and receive professional and personal feedback.