HFT is one of the strong research universities in Baden-Württemberg with successful national, European and worldwide research projects. This is reflected in the two research thrusts which have both been certified in accordance with the formal criteria set out by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and adopted into the HRK's research map:

  1. Future-oriented Planning, Constructing and Managing
  2. Smart Technologies, Processes and Methods


The two research thrusts put the multitude of research topics dealt with by the various specialist departments within the university’s three faculties into two nutshells. They also group together the broad range of expertise held by HFT Stuttgart’s researchers, which is organized into ten so-called competence centres.

Together we want to develop metropolitan areas for tomorrow that meet the needs of present and future generations. Livable, connected and resilient living and working spaces for the future - that is what we want to shape with our research.

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