This overview shows the doctoral processes that are running within the Promotionsverband Baden-Württemberg and outside, e.g. with a national or international university. The procedures with the Promotionsverband are subdivided into the three research units: social, behavioral and economic sciences, computer science and electrical engineering as well as engineering sciences.

Research Unit I: Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

Mikael Bagratuni

Working title: Künstliche Intelligenz im Kreativprozess: Eine Untersuchung der Akzeptanz und Widerstände gegenüber KI-generierten kreativen Erzeugnissen von Konsumentenseite und deren Auswirkungen auf das Rollenbild in der Kreativwirtschaft

Social, behavioral and economic sciences

Sarah Lang-Lehmann

Working title: Die Auswirkungen psychologischer Unsicherheit auf Verhalten im organisationalen Kontext

Social, behavioral and economic sciences

Dominik Bernard

Working title: Predictive Insights and Psychological Dynamics A Comprehensive Examination of Employee Turnover in High-pressure Work Environments

Social, behavioral and economic sciences

Research Unit III: Computer Science and Electrical Engineering - Engineering Sciences 2

Juan Sardi Barzallo

Working title: 3D-to-3D Neural-Based Augmented and Mixed Reality Scene Alignment for On-site Visualization of Digital Twin Models

Computer science and electrical engineering

Arpita Sinha

Working title: Investigation of Machine Learning approaches for automatic 3D vegetation extraction in urban environment using multispectral image and point cloud data

Computer science and electrical engineering

Muhammad Alfakhori

Working title: Framework for Visualizing Geospatial Data in AR and VR Digital Urban Twins to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Planning

Computer science and electrical engineering

Kai Timo Schleicher

Working title: tbd.

Computer science and electrical engineering

Klaus Pusacker

Working title: Entwicklung eines vereinheitlichten 3D-Voxelmodells zur geologischen und städtebaulichen 3D-Modellierung – Ein Fallbeispiel für die Innenstadt Stuttgart

Computer science and electrical engineering

Research Unit IV: Engineering Sciences

Michaela Marxt

Working title: Understanding and Predicting Acoustic Perception in Cities – Establishing the Soundscape Comfort Index for Open Urban Public Places

Engineering sciences

Benjamin Hueber

Working title: Innovative Active Bottom Surface Cooling (ABSC) for Urban Heat Mitigation and Thermal Comfort Enhancement

Engineering Sciences

Amando Reber

Working title: Hybride Partizipationsformate als Beitrag zur urbanen Resilienz

Engineering sciences

Leo Casey

Working title: Einsatz- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von 2-minus-1-Straßen in Deutschland

Engineering sciences

Gabriel Villegas de la Ossa

Working title: tbd

Engineering sciences

Rebecca Heckmann

Working title: Theorien und Evaluationen einer Öko-Routing-App

Engineering sciences

Tobias Kruse

Working title: Akustische Prognoseverfahren von Geräuschen von haustechnischen Anlagen in Gebäuden aus Leichtbauweise

Engineering sciences

Lukas Heidemann

Working title: Trittschalldämmung von thermisch getrennten, massiven Balkonen

Engineering sciences

Robert Otto

Working title: Interoperabilität der sektoralen energetischen Simulation von Gebäuden, Mobilität und Energie zur Darstellung und Planung intersektoraler Quartiere

Engineering sciences

Felix Rall

Working title: tbd.

Engineering sciences

Cooperative doctoral process with a national or international university

Joe Thunyathep Santhanavanich

Working title: Integration of Spatio-temporal Sensor Observations into Virtual City Models

Further information

Habiburrahman Dastageeri

Working title: Technische Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der GUI bei der Anwendung von Augmented Reality im Außenbereich und bei körperlicher Belastung mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz

Further information

Rushikesh Padsala

Working title: Investigating the role of urban digital twins for consumption-based carbon accounting of neighborhoods

Further information

Athanasios Koukofikis

Working title: 3D geodata server for urban flow simulation

Further information

Lukas Däuble

Working title: Entwicklung eines Prognoseverfahrens zur akustischen Charakterisierung von wasserführenden Rohrleitungen - von der Quelle bis zur Wahrnehmung beim Empfänger

Further information

Marina Abdel-Mesih

Working title: Auswirkungen der räumlichen Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen auf die soziale Integration und Lebensbedingungen der Betroffenen

Further information

Interested in a doctorate?

Interested in a doctorate?


If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate at HFT Stuttgart, please arrange a consultation with the contact persons at the Graduate School.

Thomas Bäumer

Professor of Business Psychology

A doctorate is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a field of knowledge and to help shape it.

[Image: HFT Stuttgart]