Luftaufnahme der HFT Stuttgart

Ethics can make a significant contribution to orientation by providing - in the sense of a compass or as a guard rail - criteria for (morally) good or bad actions and the corresponding motives or resulting consequences. For this purpose, it provides various theories, models, methods and concepts. Ethics can contribute to the development of a foundation of values or to its consolidation.

Luftbildaufnahme der HFT Stuttgart
Critical reflection

Critical reflection can help to question habits and patterns of thought, to put things in order, to clarify some things, to try out new things. It raises the question of meaning and the creation of meaning. Critical reflection enables "out-of-the-box thinking". It can also contribute to orientation.

Luftbildaufnahme der HFT Stuttgart

Our target groups

  • Students
  • Teaching staff
  • HFT employees
  • University of Applied Sciences public

Our formats

  • Workshops and seminars for students & HFT employees
  • Service Learning: social commitment during studies
  • Lectures & Conferences
  • Certificate "Ethics"
  • Smart Lunch & Ethics Lunch.
  • Advice for specialist courses of study

Ethics in teaching, research and transfer

We are in a year of disruptive change. Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, private, social and economic life has been changed in a short period of time, in some cases profoundly, in an unexpected way. It is unclear how the pandemic will develop and what consequences it will have. The complex challenges that already existed before the Corona crisis have thus continued to grow. Many feel overwhelmed. The desire for orientation is growing.The aim of the ethics courses offered at the HFT Stuttgartis to provide students, staff and lecturers of the university with formats for reflection and discourse on current issues in line with their needs. It is also intended to provide impulses for the social discourse of current trends and developments.


What are we asking for?


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