Studying with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses

Senate representative for students with disabilities

Dear prospective and current students,

We want you to be able to successfully complete your studies despite a disability or a chronic or mental illness. Our aim is to improve study conditions for students with disabilities and to help overcome existing barriers.

We would therefore like to encourage you to contact us if you are affected by the following impairments, for example:

  • Mental illness (e.g. depression)
  • Chronic illnesses (e.g. rheumatism, Crohn's disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, tumor diseases)
  • Partial performance disorders (e.g. dyslexia)
  • Autism, AD(H)S
  • Physical and sensory impairments (e.g. visual, hearing, motor impairments)
  • Speech impairment


If you have an impairment, you may be entitled to compensation for disadvantages when applying for a study place (hardship application, Disadvantage compensation (grade/waiting period) or compensation for disadvantagesduring your studies. In addition, you may be able to benefit from special grants from Erasmus+ when studying abroad.

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Working with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses

Representative body for severely disabled persons

The HFT Representative Body for Severely Disabled Employees has the task of advising and supporting severely disabled applicants and colleagues at the university and representing their interests. We are also your point of contact if you suffer from a chronic and/or mental illness.

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