Senate representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

Contact information for prospective and current students
+49 711 8926 2399
Eingang Bau 2 über Schellingstraße

You can find us here

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT Stuttgart)
Building 2, Room 023 and Room 019
Schloßstraße 24, entrance via Schellingstraße
70174 Stuttgart

The entrance is located in Schellingstraße directly next to the Hofdienergarage. Our offices are located in the same corridor as the entrance to the library. Location display in Google Maps

Unfortunately, the entrances to Building 2 are not barrier-free for guests, as a key is required for the elevator. Please call us in advance and we will be happy to pick you up in the elevator if necessary.

Coordinates for navigation systems: 48°46'48.1 "N 9°10'23.3 "E


Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone
Vertrauensperson der schwerbehinderten Menschen+49 711 8926 2569 2/023
+49 711 8926 2502 2/019

Compensation for disadvantages in examinations and final theses such as Bachelor's and Master's theses

Compensation for disadvantages

Why compensate for disadvantages?

The aim of compensation for disadvantages is to individually compensate for disadvantages caused by disabilities or chronic illnesses, for example, but not to provide a "light test" or preferential treatment.


You do not need an official (severely) disabled person's pass to apply for compensation for disadvantages!

Who can apply for compensation for disadvantages?

Students with, for example

  • mental illnesses, e.g. depression
  • chronic illnesses including chronic illnesses with an episodic course (rheumatism, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis or allergies)
  • chronic somatic illnesses
  • tumor diseases
  • speech impediments
  • partial performance disorders such as dyslexia
  • autism
  • Movement and sensory impairments
  • other long-term impairments

Application for compensation for disadvantages

How to apply for compensation for disadvantages:

  1. Submit an "Antrag auf Nachteilsausgleich für Studierende mit Behinderung oder Studierende mit chronischer Krankheit" (Application for compensation for disadvantages for students with disabilities or students with a chronic illness). You can find the relevant form in Moodle under the course "Formulare Studierende" in the section"Formulare für Studierende".
  2. The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate about your impairment(s) that is as up-to-date as possible. The certificate should make it clear to a medical layperson what the restriction is.
  3. If no further information has been provided by the doctor in your certificate, the Examination Office requires as detailed an explanation as possible of the restrictions caused by the disability in everyday life and in your studies.
  4. The application should be submitted to the Examinations Office (Room 1/122.1; e-mail: pruefungsamt1(at) as early as possible, preferably at the same time as you register for the examination.
  5. The Examinations Office will forward the application to your Dean of Studies.
  6. Your Dean of Studies will decide on your application and provide feedback to the Examinations Office. You will then be notified accordingly.

If you have any further questions and/or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.