About the Spelling
We only use the masculine spelling.
We write for example: students or professors.
But we also mean all female students or professors.
Or all those of a different gender.
We write HFT Stuttgart.
HFT Stuttgart is the abbreviation for: Hoch·schule für Technik Stuttgart.
This is German and means: College of Tech·nology Stuttgart.
You can find more information on this web·page:
The rector at the HFT Stuttgart is Katja Rade.
The rector
Her e-Mail-address katja.rade(at)hft-stuttgart.de
The chancellor at the HFT Stuttgart is Doreen Kirmse.
Her e-Mail-address kanzlerin(at)hft-stuttgart.de
The postal address of the HFT Stuttgart is:
Hoch·schule für Technik Stuttgart
Schelling·Straße 24
70174 Stuttgart
Phone (+49) 711 89 26 0
Here you can find further information:
Students can study different tech·nical programs at the HFT Stuttgart.
The study degrees deal with
There are 7 fields of study:
There are different study programs in every fieldof study.
There are 33 study programs in total.
Study programs are for example
There are different degrees in every study program.
Besides the different fields of study and the study programs,
the HFT Stuttgart also does research.
Research means: pro·fessors and students try to find new solutions together.
The HFT Stuttgart does research about
Here you can find more information: https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/research/projects/overview
Studying at the HFT Stuttgart is good.
Here you can find more information:
Studying at the HFT Stuttgart is family-friendly.
The name of the Care Guide is André Laude.
His e-Mail-address: andre.laude(at)hft-stuttgart.de
Phone (+49) 711 89 26 26 95
Here you can find more information:
All students at the HFT Stuttgart have equal rights and chances.
Here you can ask for advice:
Here you can find more information:
The HFT is responsible for the society.
We have to protect our environ·ment and the climate.
The HFT Stuttgart develops new tech·niques to do that.
For example
However, it’s not just about good and modern tech·nique.
We must also ask these questions:
The HFT says: We want our students take over social respons·ibility.
The HFT is
The HFT says: We want Students from all over the world study here.
Here you find more information:
You are looking for special information?
On every page of the HFT Stuttgart you find a search field.
The search field is at the top. At the right you can see it.
For example: You want to know how to apply?
Then click into the search field. Write: “application”.
You are looking for a certain person?
You find all names and contact information here:
Information should be easy to under·stand for every·body.
There is a law for that.
It is called: The Equal Oppor·tuni·ties for People with Dis·abili·ties Act.
It says:
That means:
The web·page of the College of Technology (HFT) Stuttgart is not completely barrier-free.
For example
We’re happy to hear from you: What can we improve?
Please write an e-Mail to: website(at)hft-stuttgart.de
You wrote an e-Mail to the HFT?
The HFT did not answer?
Or you are not happy with the answer?
You can complain.
Contact the Re·present·ative for Disabled Persons
in Baden-Württemberg.
Phone (+49) 711 27 93 35 8 07
e-Mail-address poststelle(at)bfbmb.bwl.de