About the Spelling

We only use the masculine spelling.

We write for example: students or professors.

But we also mean all female students or professors.

Or all those of a different gender.

We write HFT Stuttgart.

HFT Stuttgart is the abbreviation for: Hoch·schule für Technik Stuttgart.

This is German and means: College of Tech·nology Stuttgart.

About the History of the HFT Stuttgart

  • The College was founded in 1832.
    In the beginning it was a winter school for con·structionworkers.
  • In 1918, the con·struction school in Stuttgart is the biggest in Germany.
  • In 1995, the con·struction school gets a new name.
    It is now called: Hoch·schule für Technik Stuttgart. This is German and means: College of Tech·nology Stuttgart.
  • In 2005, the inter·national study degreesBachelor and Master are estabished.
    The result: New study programs.
  • In 2010, more than 3,000 students study at the HFT Stuttgart.Today, there are more than 4,000 students at the HFT Stuttgart.
  • Today more than 4000 students study at the HFT Stuttgart.
  • There are also about 125 pro·fessors.

You can find more information on this web·page:

About the ad·mini·stration of the HFT Stuttgart

The rector at the HFT Stuttgart is Katja Rade.

The rector

  • is responsible for research and teaching.
  • re·presents the HFT Stuttgart in public relations.

Her e-Mail-address katja.rade(at)hft-stuttgart.de

The chancellor at the HFT Stuttgart is Doreen Kirmse.

  • The chancellor leads the ad·mini·stration of the HFT.

Her e-Mail-address kanzlerin(at)hft-stuttgart.de

The postal address of the HFT Stuttgart is:

Hoch·schule für Technik Stuttgart
Schelling·Straße 24
70174 Stuttgart

Phone (+49) 711 89 26 0

Here you can find further information:



About the fields of study at the HFT Stuttgart

Students can study different tech·nical programs at the HFT Stuttgart.

The study degrees deal with

  • Con·struction.
    For example con·structing buildings or bridges
  • Infor·matics and Mathe·matics.
    For example mobile phones and navi·gation systems.
    Or auto·motive cars.
  • BusinessAd·mini·stration.
    For example the organi·zation of companies.
  • Geo·matics.
    For example urban planning.

There are 7 fields of study:

There are different study programs in every fieldof study.

There are 33 study programs in total.

Study programs are for example

  • Infra·structure Manage·ment
  • Environ·mental Pro·tection
  • General Manage·ment

There are different degrees in every study program.

  • Bachelor” is the first study degree.
    It takes 3 years (or longer) to get the Bachelor degree.
  • Master” is the second study degree.
    First, you need to complete your Bachelor.
    Then you can study a Master. The Master takes at least 1 year.

About the Research at the HFT Stuttgart

Besides the different fields of study and the study programs,
the HFT Stuttgart also does research.

Research means: pro·fessors and students try to find new solutions together.

The HFT Stuttgart does research about

  • How to build houses that only use little energy.
    This is called: energy efficiency.
  • How to build cities so that people enjoy living there.
    This is called: urban planning.

Here you can find more information: https://www.hft-stuttgart.com/research/projects/overview

Information about the College of Technology Stuttgart

Studying at the HFT Stuttgart is good.

  • The HFT Stuttgart works together with regional companies.
    There·fore, students ex·perience a lot.
    They can also use this ex·perience in their later job.
  • Students are in contact with companies.
    This can help them to get a job at one of these companies.
  • The students work together in small groups.
  • All the pro·fessors worked in their jobs for a long time.
    They have a lot of practical ex·perience.
  • The HFT Stuttgart works together with inter·national uni·versities and colleges all around the world.
    There·fore, students can learn foreign languages.
  • Students learn how to interact with other people in a good way.
    This is called: social com·petence.
  • The HFT Stuttgart is techno·logically modern.
    There are new computers and modern devices for teaching.
  • The HFT Stuttgart is located in the center of Stuttgart.
    Students can use public traffic to get there.
    For example the bus or the tram.

Here you can find more information:

Studying at the HFT Stuttgart is family-friendly.

  • It has rooms to change diapers or breast·feed babies
  • It has a kitchen.
    Here you can warm up food and milk for babies.
  • Pregnant students can ask for advice:
    You can talk to the equal rights re·present·ative.
    For example: If you need a place in kinder·garten.
  • E-mail address gleichstellungsbeauftragte(at)hft-stuttgart.de
  • The HFT Stuttgart has a Care Guide.
    You can talk to the Care Guide if you need support of care.
    You can also talk to him if you to care·work for somebody else.

The name of the Care Guide is André Laude.
His e-Mail-address: andre.laude(at)hft-stuttgart.de
Phone (+49) 711 89 26 26 95

Here you can find more information:

All students at the HFT Stuttgart have equal rights and chances.

  • No matter if their male or female.
  • No matter if they are queer.
  • No matter if they are disabled or not.
  • There are easy-accessible toilets.

Here you can ask for advice:

  • Equal rights re·present·ative
    e-Mail-address gleichstellungsbeauftragte(at)hft-stuttgart.de
    phone (+49) 711 89 26 25 05
  • Re·present·ative for disabled persons:
    e-Mail-address sbv(at)hft-stuttgart.de
    phone (+49) 711 89 26 25 64

Here you can find more information:

The HFT is responsible for the society.

We have to protect our environ·ment and the climate.

The HFT Stuttgart develops new tech·niques to do that.

For example

  • How can houses and companies use less energy?
  • How can we reduce rubbish?
  • How can cars be environ·ment·ally friendly?
  • How can we improve public traffic?

However, it’s not just about good and modern tech·nique.

We must also ask these questions:

  • What is a “good future”?
  • What does our society need for a good future?
  • How do we want to live together with other people?
  • How much control do we want to give to computers?
  • This is called: artificial intelligence (AI).

The HFT says: We want our students take over social respons·ibility.

The HFT is

  • An open, liberal college.
  • Againstdis·crimi·nation.

The HFT says: We want Students from all over the world study here.

Here you find more information:

How to search for information on this web·site.

You are looking for special information?

On every page of the HFT Stuttgart you find a search field.
The search field is at the top. At the right you can see it.
For example: You want to know how to apply?
Then click into the search field. Write: “application”.

You are looking for a certain person?

You find all names and contact information here:


Declaration of access·ibility in Easy Language.

Information should be easy to under·stand for every·body.

There is a law for that.
It is called: The Equal Oppor
·tuni·ties for People with Dis·abili·ties Act.

It says:

  • Web·pages should be barrier-free.

That means:

  • a web·page should be basic.
  • Information and formula should be easy to under·stand

The web·page of the College of Technology (HFT) Stuttgart is not completely barrier-free.

For example

  • Information on the web·page are not written in Easy Language.
  • Down·loads are not written in Easy Language.
  • We want to improve our web·page and make it easier to under·stand.

We’re happy to hear from you: What can we improve?

Please write an e-Mail to: website(at)hft-stuttgart.de

You wrote an e-Mail to the HFT?
The HFT did not answer?
Or you are not happy with the answer?

You can complain.
Contact the Re·present·ative for Disabled Persons
in Baden-Württemberg.

Phone (+49) 711 27 93 35 8 07
e-Mail-address poststelle(at)bfbmb.bwl.de