HFT-internal job offers

Experience research at first hand: Thesis and Hiwi-jobs in research

Experience research at first hand: Thesis and Hiwi-jobs in research

Are you looking for an exciting thesis or a research-related Hiwi-Job? On our new platform, you will  find exclusive offers for students - clearly organised and easy to filter. Click in, discover current offers and get started!

Discover now!

The HFT career portal

Internship, work-study programme, job entry

In order to optimally prepare our students for the world of work and to support their career planning during their studies, HFT Stuttgart has launched the career portal for HFT students in cooperation with JobTeaser. Here, companies can publish job offers for students such as student traineeships, internships or job offers for starting a career. Use of the HFT career portal is free of charge for students and companies.

If you have any questions about the HFT career portal, please contact careercenter@hft-stuttgart.de

The HFT career portal offers:

For Students

  • Search engine for internships and job offers
  • Student and company profiles
  • Events: coaching, workshops, trade fairs...
  • E-mail notifications
  • Information and videos on applications and careers
Vier Alumnis

For companies

news app auf dem smartphone

Jobteaser Smartphone-App

The HFT careers portal can also be accessed via the Jobteaser smartphone app:

For iPhone

For Android

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