Drei Studentinnen beim Lernen
Welcome at the HFT Stuttgart

Universities open their doors

The open door day traditionally takes place on the Day of Prayer and Repentance in November and offers all interested parties comprehensive information about the bachelor courses of study and the facilities of the HFT Stuttgart. In addition to short lectures and information stands, there are sample lectures, workshops, short excursions and laboratory visits which give an insight into life at the university.

The next study information day will take place on 20 November.

Gain an overview

Study fairs

Vocatium: 9 / 10 July 2024, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart

Intergeo: 24 - 26 September 2024, Messe Stuttgart

Traumberuf IT und Technik: 13 November 2024, Carl Benz Arena Stuttgart

Horizon: 31 January - 1 February, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart

Vocatium: 15 / 16 July 2025, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart

Virtual consultation evening

Consultation evening

Which Bachelor's program suits me? Do I need a pre-study internship? Are there any other admission requirements? How does the further application process work? At our counseling evening on June 19, 2024, starting at 5 p.m., you will have the opportunity to find out about our study programs and the application process.

Zoom meeting

Meeting-ID: 636 3875 5055
Code: 752222

Studenten sitzen vor Computern im PC-Raum
Go to a lecture!

Lectures for prospective students

We would be happy to offer individuals and small groups the opportunity to attend a regular lecture. The newly gained experience also makes it easier to decide which course of study is really "the right one". You are welcome to attend more than one module and receive one or two dates per course.

We recommend visiting the events at the beginning of the semester (mid-March to May or October to November). Please let us know if you are interested in a specific module and when you would like to visit events. You can find a list of modules here in the lists of each study programme. Modules from the basic study period are recommended.

Registration for the events is required 14 days in advance by e-mail at studienberatung(at)hft-stuttgart.de.