The teaching content from the construction industry is combined with topics from urban planning, energy supply and project management. The term "infrastructure" here refers to roads, buildings and basic technical services such as electricity.
Where, if not at the HFT Stuttgart, is the best place to study construction-related engineering courses? The large and traditional Department of Civil Engineering offers a wide range of courses of study of various kinds. In addition, the civil engineering department at the HFT Stuttgart is framed by other construction-related courses of study such as architecture, building physics and surveying.
Competent and committed professors and lecturers ensure that students receive a broad and at the same time well-founded education and are well prepared for the job market. Due to the limited number of students, optimal supervision of the students is guaranteed at all times. Teachers not only impart specialist knowledge but also methodological skills so that students can acquire further specialist skills independently and develop creative solutions to problems. Due to the diverse requirements of the curricula, students learn to work on an interdisciplinary and team basis and to coordinate this work among themselves.
In Stuttgart, a top business location, there are many different professional and personal interrelationships. Close cooperation with renowned companies from the Stuttgart construction industry ensures a strong link between teaching and construction practice.
Civil Engineering
- Bachelor Civil Engineering
- Bachelor Infrastructure Management
- Bachelor Civil Engineering and Business Management (Fields of study Stuttgart Business School)
- Master Lean Construction Management
- Geotechnical Engineering / Tunnel Construction
- Master Structural Engineering
- Master International Project Management (Fields of study Architecture and Design)
- Master Urban Planning (Fields of study Architecture and Design)
- Master Smart City Solutions (Fields of study Architecture and Design)
- Master Environmental Protection
- Master Transportation Infrastructure Management
Our Master Programs
After a successful bachelor's degree, graduates can choose from a range of consecutive master's degree programmes in the field of study in addition to a wide range of practical opportunities. The Master of Engineering degree qualifies students for admission to the higher civil service and for a doctorate, which is conducted in cooperation with a university.
Entrepreneurs' Advisory Board
In order to promote and support construction-related courses of study, an advisory board for entrepreneurs was set up in 2001. Well-known companies from various construction-related sectors meet regularly with the deans of the construction-related courses of study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Building Physics and Economics. This committee discusses the practical relevance of the teaching, the further development of the courses of study as well as possibilities for cooperation.
In the 2018/19 academic year, the civil engineering department underwent an extensive (re-)accreditation process. The expert evaluators of the ASIIN attested us a very high quality of studies and teaching. The evaluators found that, despite their respective specialisations (which are clearly delineated for outsiders), all study programmes basically pursue broad objectives. It was particularly emphasized that the university course focuses on teamwork and communication skills as well as social skills and conveys these particularly well. Now all study programmes are accredited until 30.09.2026!