Laboratory for Construction Chemistry
![[Image: Prof Weber] Eine Gruppe von Studierenden im Labor für Baustoffkunde](/fileadmin/Dateien/Bauingenieurwesen/_processed_/b/9/csm_Baustoffkunde-bauchemie_e37e06c505.jpg)
Every day we are surrounded by what civil engineers create: We live and work in buildings, we move over roads, rails, bridges and through tunnels and have modern systems of drinking water supply and waste water disposal.
Civil engineers accompany all these projects from the conception, planning and construction to final inspection. They deal not only with the technical, but also with the economic, ecological and social aspects of the construction task. And this is exactly what makes this profession so appealing: the interaction of theory, creativity and practice! An interplay that also characterises the Bachelor's degree course in Civil Engineering at the HFT Stuttgart.
July 15 (winter semester)
15 January (summer semester)
7 Semester / 210 Credit Points
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Civil engineers work in a wide variety of areas: on buildings, on roads and railways, on water, in offices and, of course, on construction sites.
Studying at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences provides extensive knowledge in building construction and statics, in building materials science and geotechnics, in traffic and water management as well as in construction management.
With current teaching and learning forms, project-oriented studies and the inclusion of the construction industry as part of training, it offers a fundamental and broad-based technical and methodological competence.
The course is designed as a full-time course of study and leads to a first professional qualification as a Civil Engineer (B.Eng.). It has a standard period of study of 7 semesters and is accredited with 210 credit points.
In the first two semesters, training takes place in the essential foundation subjects. Courses are offered in higher mathematics, mechanics, building materials science, technical presentation, building physics, building construction, surveying, engineering geology and tunnel construction as well as economics, law and management.
In preparation for the actual start of studies, there is the possibility to repeat relevant fondations through studying the "Bridge Course in Mathematics".
In the 3rd and 4th semester, basic technical knowledge is taught. The application-oriented core areas of structural analysis, geotechnics, structural engineering, transport, water management, construction operations and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are covered.
In the 5th semester the supervised practical study project (BPS) takes place. Students work in an engineering or planning office, in the technical office of a construction company or on a construction site and gain job-related experience. These supplement the teaching content of the previous, more theoretical semesters.
In the second part of the main study period, students can choose one of the following majors: structural engineering, water and traffic engineering or construction management. This focus allows a largely individual study orientation. In addition, additional qualifications can be acquired during the course of studies, e.g. the prerequisite for a welding engineer or the qualification for the management of a concrete testing laboratory.
In the 7th semester, the course is completed with submission of the Bachelor thesis. In addition to practical projects, systematic and methodical work based on scientific research can also be carried out. Interdisciplinary tasks with other specialist engineers, work at partner universities or in globally operating companies underpin the contemporary nature and diverse possibilities of studying civil engineering at HFT Stuttgart.
In order to successfully apply for the Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, various requirements must be met:
General higher education entrance qualification, subject-related higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences or equivalent foreign educational qualifications Preliminary internship of 12 weeks duration at the latest until entry into the 3rd semester (craft activity on a construction site or in a company similar to a construction site) Your studies will be easier and a good degree more likely to achieve if you have spatial awareness, technical understanding, an interest in Maths and Physics, and a passion for problem solving.
Study places are allocated in accordance with the Hochschulvergabeverordnung (HVVO), whereby the Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering has its own internal selection rules.
Applications are made online via the HFT's applicant portal.
The focus of structural engineering deals with the content of the structural infrastructure. Here, the competences in the field of calculation and design of structures acquired in foundation level studies are strengthened. Contents enable students to plan and construct durable and sustainable structures.
Perspectives Planning offices, engineering offices, construction companies, cities and municipalities, associations and authorities, universities
Increased flooding and heat waves as well as increased traffic and environmental pollution - sustainable solutions to these issues must be found in the coming years. In the "Water and Transport" major, students are qualified both in the field of water (e.g. water protection, flood control, water management) and in the field of transport (e.g. planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of transport facilities) to develop measures for the responsible use of our resources. With the completion of the specialization "Water and Transport", two nationally and internationally growing future areas are open for professional activities.
Perspectives Engineering offices, construction companies, cities and municipalities, utilities, transport companies, associations and authorities, universities
The Construction Management major prepares students in the best possible way to maintain an overview for their later professional life as a generalist and to work together with specialists from various fields in an interdisciplinary manner both in Germany and abroad. Students not only acquire skills in the fields of fire protection, technical building equipment and façade systems, but also gain a comprehensive overview of innovative methods and concepts such as Lean Construction, Agile working and continuous improvement processes.
Prospects broadly diversified career opportunities in the entire construction and real estate industry, e.g. in construction management, site management, project management, construction supervision, project management, consulting and Lean Construction.
Professors are very closely networked with the Industry. They not only convey theory, but also pass on their practical experience and expertise. Teaching is supplemented by external guest lecturers who contribute additional operational and technical expertise. Modern and competently supervised laboratories are used intensively in the course of studies so that students can observe or independently carry out practical tests on building materials and components in addition to the lectures.
In student research projects and projects, typical tasks from construction practice are developed by individual or group work. Students are supported by professors, as well as often external partners from engineering offices, construction companies or local authorities.
Excursions to buildings and construction sites provide greater of insights into the practical implementation and application of the theoretical content learned, providing emdedded knowledge and new perspectives following teaching. An excursion lasting several days with a destination in Germany or abroad is an integral part of the course of study. In addition, smaller excursions are offered each semester.
In the supervised practical study project (BPS), students spend a whole semester working in practice to apply and deepen knowledge gained during their studies. Mostly the contacts made by students within the world of work last until the end of their studies and offer the possibility to start a career. The BPS can also be carried out abroad.
The Bachelor's thesis in the 7th semester can be written in cooperation with an engineering office or construction company. Topics often arise from the supervised practical study project and have a high application relevance. In the best cases, solutions can be developed within the framework of the Bachelor's thesis that can be directly implemented in practice. This often enables direct transition to employment.
In summer 2019 an excursion to Bulgaria took place. The aim was to demonstrate typical civil engineering solutions in road and urban infrastructure development on the basis of large construction projects in Bulgaria. The technical programme included a visit to the partner university (UACEG) and the planning office of the company STRABAG / ZÜBLIN in Sofia. The supporting programme consisted of guided tours in Sofia and Plodiv as well as impressions of Bulgarian culture and history.
Excursion leaders: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Leyla Chakar and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carola Vogt-Breyer
30 students took part in a four-day excursion to Dublin, with a programme of superlatives awaiting the excursion group. We started with a visit to the "Old Library" of Trinity College where the Long Room was particularly impressive, a 64 metre long and 12 metre high hall. The visit of the lively city of Dublin, Phoenix Park and Dublin Docklands were only a small part of the highlights of this excursion. The surrounding area of the Emerald Isle was also explored. Destination: the coastal town of Bray where the hill "Bray Head" was climbed, from where the participants could enjoy a wonderful view of the sea and the green hills of Ireland. A guided tour of the ultra-modern brewery "Brewhouse No. 4", where the famous Guinness is brewed, was an absolute must!
Excursion leaders: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siri Krauß and Prof. Dr. Claus Nesensohn
The fields of activity of Civil Engineering are becoming increasingly international. Projects are handled in international teams or worldwide directly on site. Internationally agreed sustainability targets also influence the German construction industry. The bachelor's degree course in civil engineering at the HFT-Stuttgart takes this development into account in a variety of ways. Students have the opportunity to spend a semester or the practical study project abroad. Alternatively, the thesis can be written in cooperation with a foreign company or research institution.
There are many good reasons for a stay abroad: In addition to professional experience, intercultural competence also increases, lifelong friendships can be made and, last but not least, the stay abroad opens up new professional perspectives.
The International Officer of the study programme supports you together with the International Office of the HFT Stuttgart on your way abroad by advising you on planning, pointing out financing possibilities as well as applying for e.g. an ERASMUS scholarship. For this purpose, the course of study in cooperation with the HFT Stuttgart has partner agreements with numerous universities and colleges abroad.
Foreign representative, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bach
Civil engineers are active in leading positions in the construction industry, in construction companies, engineering offices as well as in institutions and bodies of local, state and federal authority. The cross-section-oriented structure of the course of study and the skills acquired enable graduates to be successful not only in their chosen specialisation but also in other fields of civil engineering. The course of study is characterised by the depth of training and substantial practical relevance. Career prospects are excellent.
Further Master's courses of study at the HFT Stuttgart are
Geotechnics/ tunnelling Structural engineering International Project Management Urban planning Transport infrastructure management