How will we design the Smart Cities of the future? Who will develop innovative mobility concepts? From where do we get the energy and water we need?

We are looking for answers to these and similar questions in the Infrastructure Management course, because we are firmly convinced that infrastructure is the foundation of modern civilizations.

For this reason, the Infrastructure Management course teaches the basic knowledge and skills of technical infrastructures in the fields of mobility and transport, energy and water supply and sanitation, and urban planning in combination with project management and economics. At the same time, however, concerns such as safety, functionality, economic efficiency, as well as the interrelationships in relation to the population and the environment are also at the forefront and must be taken into account. We believe it is important to respond to the changing and more complex tasks of our time and to develop new ways of looking at things and acting. For this reason, the foundation of the course consists of a broad spectrum of engineering sciences, with a special focus on the interfaces between the above-mentioned areas.

By linking theory and practice in the study programme, we ensure that graduates acquire excellent specialist knowledge and are trained to become professional engineers.


Application deadline

15 January (summer semester)
July 15 (winter semester)

Study time

7 Semester (full time)

Study title

Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)

Accessibility of the study program office


The study program office has the following opening hours during the semester (from 01.03.2022).

You can usually reach us from Mon-Thu between 09:00 - 17:00 and by appointment.

Outside the opening hours we can be reached by mail and phone.

The ISM Team!


The Bachelor's programme in Infrastructure Management is accredited with 210 credit points. We offer and combine a variety of modules covering six central topics of technical infrastructure, civil engineering and economics. The central topics are:

  • Energy & Environment
  • Urban Water Management
  • Urban Planning & Design
  • Traffic & Mobility
  • Project & Construction Management
  • Business Studies & Corporate Management

In contrast to a classical civil engineering degree, the infrastructure manager's task is not to plan buildings or facilities down to the last detail, but rather to connect the interfaces between the project participants, e.g. structural and commercial, and thus ensure a smooth process. In today's economy it is an advantage to have an insight into several project areas and thus to be able to better classify, understand and solve the concerns and problems of all parties involved.


A detailed description of the procedure with all modules can be found in the current study and examination regulations of our study programme.

Detailed information on the contents of the individual modules can be found in our module handbook.

Composition of the Infrastructure Management programme

30% Interdisciplinary Modules & Bachelorthesis

50% Key topics

20% mathematical, technical and economic fundamentals

During the course of study, 50% of the credit points are awarded for the central topics of the course. The Bachelor's thesis as well as interdisciplinary projects, electives and the supervised practical study project account for 30%. Basics knowledge and fundamentals are represented a 20% share.

Course of studies


Basic Study Period

Introduction to fundamental technical and economic principles


Eine Gruppe von Studierenden lernt gemeinsam

Main Study Period I

Overview of central topics

Eine Gruppe von Studierenden, die am Laptop diskutiert

Internship Semester

Completion of an intership and gain practical experience.

Eine Gruppe von Studierenden steht um einen Tisch und diskutiert

Main Study Period II

Central topics are expanded and linked by interdisciplinary projects. Students can chose their fields of interest with electives.

Vier Studierende arbeiten an einem Modell

Bachelor-Thesis und Abschluss

The Bachelor thesis is written and the last modules and electives are taken.

Drei ISM-Absolventinnen stehen an einem Tisch zusammen

Dominik Torenz

Student Semester 6

What I particularly like about the Infrastructure Management course is that it gives me insights into many different areas and allows me to broaden my horizons. Current topics such as e-mobility and renewable energies inspire me and also play a central role in this course of studies.

Central topics

Energy & Environment

Ansicht eines Dampfkraftwerkes

Energy & Environment

Our students explore the most current topics of the energy industry. In particular, they focus on renewable energy systems. In addition to the prospects, economic constraints and a technical introdocution of  conventional and renewable energy technologies, current topics such as the integration of electric vehicles into power grids or the coupling with the heat sector are addressed. The students are thus able to independently evaluate the respective technologies and energy policy strategies with regard to economic efficiency, security of supply, environmental compatibility and social acceptance.

Urban Water Management

Eine Staumauer

Urban Water Management

Students are introduced to the essential principles of water supply, such as the design and construction of water catchments, calculation of simple piping systems and the construction of water distribution systems. Furthermore, they acquire knowledge about the operation and theory of storage systems and pipe hydraulics. Basic strategic approaches to drainage methods in relation to rainwater management and wastewater treatment as well as the hydraulic calculation of sewers and static calculation of drainage pipes of municipal and industrial areas are presented. These topics are complemented by waste management.

Urban planning & design

Skyline einer Großstadt

Urban planning & design

In the field of urban planning we first look at the basics in the context of the overall urban structures and development processes. Subsequently, students learn how public space can be developed by means of building structures, site development and quality features of spatial and area design. One thematic focus is the analysis of urban development structures comparing national and international cities. The acquired knowledge and the own creativity will be expressed through self-made city quarter models and design. Adding and dimensioning the technical infrastructure to the designs, such as drainage pipes, parking facilities and path networks, is also a requirement.

Traffic & Mobility

Eine Straße über die eine Brücke führt im Bau

Traffic & Mobility

This key topic focuses on the assessment and calculation of the performance of roads, junctions and public transport facilities. Basics about the traffic flow on road and rail as well as different traffic systems are explored. In addition, the module the module road construction technology introduces students to the technical and structural construction of roads and paths. This gives students an insight into the layout and dimensioning of traffic areas. With manual and computer-aided concepts, students gain skills in drafting alignments in a site plan, gradient diagram and in a cross-section layout.

Project & Construction Management

Eine Gruppe von Studierenden diskutiert

Project & Construction Management

Students obtain a first insight into the subject areas of basic, organizational, methodological and social skills. In-depth knowledge of construction project management, especially the classic PM areas like project organization, contracting, scheduling, cost and quality management, but also special topics such as project development and facility management, are taught using practical examples. In this way, students are provided with the expertise of structuring of scheduling, quality assessment of a property, influencing and optimizing quality, essential aspects of knowledge and communication management, as well as processes of development management. This also includes knowledge of the planning techniques used in process, sequence and provision planning.

Business studies & corporate management

Business studies & corporate management

The understanding of economic processes is based on the fundamentals of business and economic interrelationships, which are thoroughly examined in serveral modules. Furthermore, students receive insight into market processes, market-oriented management as well as controlling and market research. In addition, key qualifications from the spectrum of soft skills, such as teamwork, communication and presentation, are trained. Learning technical and business English is also a skill that students acquire.

Practical relevance

With over 30 lecturers from companies who actively pass on their practical experience to our students every semester, we are very close to the practical application. We want our students to start their careers with the best prerequisites, and therefore we focus not only on theoretical knowledge but also on practical experience.

  1. During the internship semester, our students have the opportunity to get a first taste of  the "business air" and apply their knowledge they have already acquired during three study semesters in a company. A selection of companies in which our students have already done an internship can be found in our company list. In most cases, the contacts students established in this process last until the end of their studies and offer the opportunity for direct career entry.
  2. With two interdisciplinary projects, we challenge our students to tackle a current problem of a company or institution and work out possible solutions together. Students work in groups, together with the professors and an external partner. Here are some interdisciplinary projects that our students worked on in the last semesters.
  3. During the course of their studies, our students are expected to participate in an field trip. The field trip gives our students the unique opportunity to gain many different impressions of companies, not only in Germany but worldwide. Where our students have been during the last two years can be found in our excursion list.
  4. The bachelor thesis is an additional component that combines practice and theory in the course of study. Most students write their thesis in cooperation with a company. To gain an insight into the diversity of bachelor thesis topics, take a look at the topics of the last semester.

Entry requirements

The prerequisite for admission to the Infrastructure Management course is a certificate of general higher education entrance qualification.

The programme offers 40 study places per semester. The NC therefore depends on the number of applicants.