What does doctorate mean to you?

As part of the doctoral candidates workshop, we asked our doctoral candidates what a doctorate means to them and what challenges they associate with it.

A selection of insightful quotes can be found here.

PhD could symbolize gears: research is a system where you have to put together gears with different sizes. It is also a big personal development.

Klaus Pusacker,
Doctoral candidate HFT Stuttgart

1. Stress: to get burned or to fly high

2. No limitation to your thinking. What do you want to implement with your PhD.

Rushi Padsala [Image: Rushi Padsala]
Rushikesh Padsala,
Academic assistant at HFT Stuttgart

I can compare a doctoral thesis to a person running a marathon. You learn a lot of new things along the way, but you have to keep running the whole time without stopping.

Muhammad Alfakhori [Image: Muhammad Alfakhori]
Muhammad Alfakhori,
Doctoral candidate HFT Stuttgart

PhD is all about doing research and being curious about the world.

Leo Casey [Image: Leo Casey]
Leo Casey,
Doctoral candidate HFT Stuttgart

Professional and personal development in a transdisciplinary way.

Amando Reber [Image: Amando Reber]
Amando Reber,
Doctoral candidate HFT Stuttgart

Insights into past dissertation projects