The Centre for Geodesy and Geoinformatics (ZGG) bundles research activities dealing with acquisition and processing of spatial information. Spokesman of the centre is Prof. Paul Rawiel.

In addition to modern developments in surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing, the topics cover a wide range, from sensor technology to information processing and visualization. With the right selection and combination of different sensor principles and evaluation methods, new and innovative approaches for cooperation in strongly interdisciplinary fields of work can be found.

The possible combinations regarding sensors include optical, mechanical and electromagnetic measuring principles. For example, LIDAR sensors are used, which were developed for construction-related surface recording, mobile mapping or autonomous driving. Such systems often integrate camera, laser and inertial measurement technology.

On the analysis side technologies are used to perceive, understand, learn and act on corresponding systems. Machine learning is a technology that creates new innovations without having to develop new programs for it. For example, objects or their properties can be automatically recognized and evaluated in space.

As a further approach of data evaluation, methods of geoinformatics are being developed to process the spatial data and make it available in new contexts. The focus here is on 3D geodata infrastructures and geographic information systems (GIS).

Thematic areas

Sensors and determination of positions

Mobile Mapping

In mobile mapping, i.e. the acquisition of spatial data from a mobile platform such as vehicles, drones or rucksacks, suitable methods are used to determine position and orientation. As the basis for many developments in this field, GPS receivers can be combined with sensors for measuring acceleration and rotation rates (inertial measurement units, IMUs).

Automation tasks and robotics

The combination of sensor data for measurement and navigation purposes is typically used for automation tasks and in robotics. In particular, radio-based positioning systems are available for the use inside buildings.

Urban data platform in the field of geoinformatics


The approach is a prototypical development of a so-called urban data platform, linking sensor data streams and 3D city models to enable and visually support spatio-temporal data analysis.

Applications and utilization

One of the main usages for research on urban data platforms are the Smart City applications. The knowledge gained on data models and interfaces is used for the further development of open standards via the OpenGeospatial Consortium.

Current projects

Completed projects


Professorial members

Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone Competencecenter
Gerrit AustenProfessor, Study Dean Master Vermessung+49 711 8926 2348 2/163 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Volker CoorsVice-President Research and Digitization+49 711 8926 2663 1/121 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Eberhard GülchProfessor+49 711 8926 2610 2/210 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik Industrielle Anwendungen der Informatik und Mathematik
Stefan KnauthFull Professor+49 711 8926 2966 2/546 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik Industrielle Anwendungen der Informatik und MathematikDigitalisierung in Forschung, Lehre & Wirtschaft
Paul RawielProfessor, Study Dean Master PG+49 711 8926 2529 2/164 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Dietrich SchröderVice Dean 2/210
Zhihang YaoProfessor+49 711 8926 2629 2/149


Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone Competencecenter
Muhammad AlfakhoriAcademic Staff+49 711 8926 2423 2/281 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Sanghmitra BanerjeeForschung Mitarbeiter (FDM) 7/004 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Matthias BetzResearcher+49 711 8926 2320 2/344
Rushikesh PadsalaAcademic/Research Staff Member (GeoInformatic)+49 711 8926 2838 2/281 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Alexander RiegelAcademic staff member+49 711 8926 2732 2/246 Geodäsie und Geoinformatik Industrielle Anwendungen der Informatik und Mathematik
Thunyathep SanthanavanichAcademic Staff Member+49 711 8926 2549 2/281
Juan Sardi BarzalloAcademic Assistant / PhD student+49 711 8926 2704 5/0.61 Digitalisierung in Forschung, Lehre & Wirtschaft Geodäsie und GeoinformatikIntegrale ArchitekturNachhaltige StadtentwicklungNeue Forschungsfelder
