Urban Digital Twins for iCity


The UDigiT4iCity project investigates current issues relating to the collection, processing, merging, provision and use of urban data. The overarching goal of the project is the development, testing and evaluation of sustainable methods and applications for urban digital twins. The Open Urban Data Platform (OUP) in SP1: Data platform for urban digital twins is to be further developed so that three-dimensional data (city models, simulation and sensor data) can also be displayed accordingly. The collection, consolidation and use of Internet of Things (IoT) data in urban buildings and their provision for smart city platforms will be investigated in SP2: Integration of public buildings and infrastructures. The usability of 5G for urban sensor networks is being investigated in TP3: 5G - Pilot applications for the Smart City. For the efficient processing of large 3D city models, TP4: Classification and segmentation of buildings in mesh models will develop a method that can automatically classify and segment buildings in textured 3D mesh models.

Research questions

In UDigiT4iCity, the question of how ICT technologies can contribute to a smart, liveable and sustainable city is being investigated.

Scientific approach and methods

As the scientific basis has already been determined in the ICT4iCity project, the focus is now on application piloting. In SP1, a data platform will be created using different APIs (RESTful OGC API, SimStadt API) as a data basis for detailed environmental simulations. In SP2, IoT use cases (e.g. energy monitoring, utilisation of public resources) for smart public buildings and infrastructures will be prototypically implemented, integrated into smart city platforms and evaluated. In SP3, 5G demonstrators will be set up and evaluated on the basis of various key performance indicators (KPI) in the campus network of the practice partners, and the accuracy of 5G for position determination will be determined. In SP4, deep learning methods are used to classify buildings on the basis of textured and triangulated 3d mesh models.

Targeted results

In the sub-projects, the focus is on open source and open data in order to achieve the highest possible acceptance in an extremely heterogeneous field of application and thus to promote dissemination beyond the project boundaries.

ManagementProf. Dr. Dieter Uckelmann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Coors,  Prof. Dr. Nicola Wolpert
Partnerinvenio Virtual Technologies, Japan, Urban Structure Visualization Promotion Org, Klingenstadt Solingen, Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim GmbH, Technische Betriebe Solingen, virtualcitySYSTEMS GmbH


iCity: Intelligent city

Grant No.13FH9I06IA
FundingFederal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Programme Forschung an Fachhochschulen
Call for proposalStrong universities of applied sciences - impulse for the region (FH-Impuls)



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