The "Good Vibrations" research project aims to improve the quality of construction with renewable raw materials through in-depth understanding and advanced simulations and modeling. A particular focus here is on sound insulation. In building physics and the construction industry, there is a growing demand for more climate-neutral building materials and constructions, such as those found in renewable raw materials like wood or lightweight construction materials. However, there are currently still challenges in terms of building acoustics that limit the use of wood as a building material. Special instruments such as the 3D scanning vibrometer and intensity probes make it possible to record complex vibration patterns and are suitable for simulations of building, neighborhood and city models.
Research questions
- How can high-resolution vibration analysis, especially in timber construction, be used to gain a better understanding in order to develop sustainable innovative solutions for sound insulation in timber and hybrid construction as well as in lightweight construction?
- How can a deeper understanding of the acoustic properties of façade components be gained in order to improve urban simulations such as sound propagation in city districts?
- How can interdisciplinary cooperation be promoted through concrete collaboration in the expansion of the interdisciplinary HFT laboratory network "Sustainable Building"?
Scientific approach and methods
- Development and validation of new measurement and analysis methods for recording the propagating longitudinal and transverse waves in coupled building structures.
- Carrying out innovative measurements with 3D scanning vibrometers and intensity probes to gain knowledge about structure-borne sound transmission in inhomogeneous building components.
- Determination of the structure-borne sound intensity and the degree of radiation on inhomogeneous building components, in particular between timber construction elements.
Targeted results
- Gewährleistung der Verbesserung der Modellierung von akustischen Eigenschaften und Entwicklung innovativer Lösungsansätze.
- Nutzung eines urbanen digitalen Zwillings als Datenintegrationsplattform und Grundlage für akustische Simulationen, durch Integration einer Bauteil-Bibliothek, um multidimensionale und sektorübergreifende Stadt- und Quartiersanalysen zu ermöglichen.
- Entwicklung von Verbesserungsvorschlägen für Leichtbaukonstruktionen im Hinblick auf den Schallschutz durch den Einsatz neuer Messgeräte und neu entwickelter Messmethoden.
- Förderung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit und aktive Beteiligung am Ausbau des interdisziplinären HFT Labornetzwerks "Nachhaltiges Bauen".
- Entwicklung einer Bauteil-Bibliothek für Simulationen zur Schallausbreitung, die in den digitalen Zwilling integriert wird, um die Eigenschaften von Gebäudefassaden genauer zu beschreiben.
Name & Position | E-Mail & Telephone | |
Vice-President Research and Digitization | +49 711 8926 2663 | 1/121 |
Professor, Member of IAF Directorium | +49 711 8926 2507 | 7/104 |
Research Assistant | +49 711 8926 2875 | 7/010 |
Academic staff member / Acoustics Group | +49 711 8926 2958 | 7/105 |