Mobility and urban space


The central goal of the project is to contribute to the promotion of sustainable mobility, the qualification of urban space and the protection against low-frequency noise in the Stuttgart region and to develop initial concepts for this purpose. The project represents a practice-oriented building block for achieving climate protection goals and for increasing the quality of life in cities.

Research Question

How can a maximum of individual mobility with a minimum of MIV succeed? To what extent are citizens willing to implement such a transformation and discover added value for themselves on an individual and collective level? What new instruments and methods are necessary for this and what are the prospects? How can residents be protected from sound in the low-frequency range?


The project is divided into three sub-projects.

Sub-project 1 "Mobility, urban space and collaborative processes" addresses the mobility behaviour of citizens and the use and design of urban space.

In sub-project 2 "User Centered Mobility", a data-based acceptance analysis of means of transport in dense and less dense areas is investigated, especially for commuting.

In sub-project 3 "Low-frequency sound insulation of facades", data and algorithms for sound insulation of building structures in the low-frequency range are determined.

In this project, an AR application based on Optical See Through (OST) technology will be developed and deployed using mixed reality glasses. This technique will be comparatively evaluated as a possible tool for the representation of urban scenarios.

Targeted results

The research project represents an opportunity to accompany municipalities in new, participatory transformation processes, processes that are supported by social and technical innovations. Significant sources of knowledge for the use of future socially used forms of mobility will be made accessible. In addition, a catalogue of components with relevant constructions of energy-optimised optimised façades will be developed. The developments that are being tackled in this project combine several research areas in a new way. As a strong research university with a good network in the region, we want to help shape the changes in society in a future-oriented and responsible way.

ManagementProf. Dr. Christina Simon-Philipp, Prof. Dr. Thomas Bäumer, Prof. Dr. Volker Coors, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Gaspers, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Huber, Prof. Dr. Patrick Müller, Prof. Dr. Patrick Planing, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berndt Zeitler

Bundesverband Kalksandstein Industrie e.V., Mercedes-Benz AG, City of Stuttgart, Ministy of Transport Baden-Württemberg, M.O.S.S., Stadtwerke Stuttgart GmbH

WebsiteiCity: Intelligent City


Forschung an Fachhochschulen

Call for proposal

Strong universities of applied sciences - impulse for the region (FH-Impuls)

Duration01.06.21 - 31.08.22 extended until 31.03.23

