Market Research
Consumer Research
Research Methods
Social Psychology
Psychological market research, Consumer understanding, Survey methodology, User experience, Acceptance research
Professional experience
Professor, Business Psychology, HFT Stuttgart
Research Manager Quantitative Market Research, GIM Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung mbH, Heidelberg
Freelancer Human Resources Development Managers, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Frankfurt
Research assistant in the DFG project "Implicit attitudes as a mediating factor between advertising measures and consumer behaviour", Psychological Institute, University of Heidelberg
Research assistant in SFB 504 "Rationality concepts, decision behaviour and economic modelling", University of Mannheim
Academic qualification
Dissertation on "Assimilation and contrast effects in sequential judgments" - Judgment errors in the evaluation of examination performance, Psychological Institute, University of Heidelberg
Study of„Social- and Differential Psychology“, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Study of psychology, diploma thesis on "When you can't see the forest for the trees: Mood effects on cognitive style and performance in recurrent decision making" - Influence of mood on decision-making behaviour, Psychological Institute, University of Heidelberg
Smart2Charge - innovative e-mobility for rural areas, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)
Verbundvorhaben: Drei Prozent Projekt – energieeffizienter Sanierungsfahrplan für kommunale Quartiere 2050, Teilprojekt: Partizipation und Finanzierung
Silberer, J., Bäumer, T. & Müller, P. (2022). Taking perspective into account when evaluating innovative products: The moderating role of construal level on UTAUT 2 constructs. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2, 44–60.
Silberer, J., Mrso, M., Bäumer, T. & Müller, P. (2022). Acceptance of Electric Car Sharing in Rural Areas. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022, 1–12.
Silberer, J., Dangel, G., Bäumer, T., Müller, P. & Kotziabassis, G. (2022). Interests of (In)frequent Bike Users: Analysis of Differing Target Groups’ Needs Concerning the RouteMeSafe Application. In V. Coors, D. Pietruschka & B. Zeitler (Hrsg.), iCity. Transformative Research for the Livable, Intelligent, and Sustainable City. Research Findings of University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (S. 15–26) [S.l.]: SPRINGER NATURE.
Popovic, T., Bäumer, T., Gökdemir, E. & Silberer, J. (2022). How Innovative Mobility Can Drive Sustainable Development: Conceptual Foundations and Use Cases Using the Example of the iCity Ecosystem for Innovation. In V. Coors, D. Pietruschka & B. Zeitler (Hrsg.), iCity. Transformative Research for the Livable, Intelligent, and Sustainable City. Research Findings of University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (S. 3–13) [S.l.]: SPRINGER NATURE.
Silberer, J., Müller, P., Bäumer, T. & Huber, S. (2020). Target-Oriented Promotion of the Intention for Sustainable Behavior with Social Norms. Sustainability, 12(15), 6193.
Müller, P., Bäumer, T., Silberer, J. & Zimmermann, S. (2020). Using research methods courses to teach students about sustainable development - A three-phase model for a transformative learning experience. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(2), 216.
Planing, P., Müller, P., Dehdari, P. & Bäumer, T. (Eds.). (2020). Creating Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens (1st edition 2020). Berlin: Springer.
Kraus, K., Braun, B. & Bäumer, T. (2020). Creation of a scoring-model to measure the attractiveness of middle-sized city-centres for consumers. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdari & T. Bäumer (Hrsg.), Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens (1st edition 2020, S. 185–198). Berlin: Springer.
Meyer, D. & Bäumer, T. (2020). Less meat, less heat - the potential of social marketing to reduce meat consumption. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdari & T. Bäumer (Hrsg.), Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens (1st edition 2020, S. 157–168). Berlin: Springer.
Silberer, J., Santhanavanich, T., Müller, P. & Bäumer, T. (2020). Promoting objective and subjective safety for cyclists in metropolitan areas. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdari & T. Bäumer (Hrsg.), Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens (1st edition 2020, S. 273–284). Berlin: Springer.
Weng, J., Bäumer, T. & Müller, P. (2020). Bike-sharing systems as integral components of inner-city mobility concepts: an analysis of the intended user behaviour of potential and actual bike-sharing users. In P. Planing, P. Müller, P. Dehdari & T. Bäumer (Hrsg.), Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens (1st edition 2020, S. 121–132). Berlin: Springer.
Bretzmann, A., Huber, S. & Bäumer, T. (2019). Managing Energy Efficient Refurbishment Within Homeowners Associations (HOA): A Qualitative Study. In W. Leal Filho (Hrsg.), Social Responsibility and Sustainability: How businesses and organizations can (World Sustainability Series, Bd. 17, S. 457–470). Cham: Springer.
Kohn, L., Dastageeri, H., Bäumer, T., Moulin, S., Müller, P. & Coors, V. (2018). Hot or not – Identifying emotional „hot spots“ in the city. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, IV-4/W7, 67–73.
Bäumer, T., Worm, D., Müller, P., Zimmermann, S., Popovic, T., & Pagel, C. (2017). So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want: Including the User Perspective before Implementing Measures of Sustainability. In W. Leal Filho, L. Brandli, P. Castro, & J. Newman (Eds.), World Sustainability Series. Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Volume 2 (pp. 63–76). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Bretzmann, A., Bäumer, T., & Huber, S. (2017). The Role of Participation and Communication for Energy Efficient Refurbishment. Economic and Environmental Studies, 17(4), 675-691.
Zimmermann, S., Bäumer, T., & Müller, P. (2017). Achieving a Climate-Neutral Campus: A Psychological Analysis of the Participation Process with the Stage Model of Participation. In W. Leal Filho, R. W. Marans, & J. Callewaert (Eds.), World Sustainability Series. Handbook of Sustainability and Social Science Research (pp. 227–244). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
German Society for Psychology (DGPs) e. V., Berlin
Society for Applied Business Psychology (GWPs) e. V., Cologne
Association of University Teachers Baden-Württemberg (hlb) e. V., Mannheim