Simple service-based use of 3D data


The Simple Service-Based Use of 3D Data project will use a 3D Portrayal Service (3DPS) and GeoVolumes server to make 3D geospatial data available to participating communities.

Research questions

Current browser technology enables 3D visualization of geospatial data without additional software at any workstation. 3D geospatial data is also available more and more in the field. Despite these positive general conditions, 3D web visualization has not yet arrived in practice, especially in medium-sized or small municipalities.

With the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Application Programming Interface (API) 3D GeoVolume, a new standard is currently being developed that is intended to standardize and simplify the provision and access of 3D geodata. The goal of this project is a study to evaluate this development in comparison to existing standard 3D Portrayal Service.

Scientific approach and methods

The evaluation will be based on specific use cases from rural municipalities. The newly gained knowledge from this study will be summarized in a guideline, from which recommendations for data provision via the State Office for Land Development and Geoinformation BW and the State Office for Digitization, Broadband and Surveying Bavaria can be derived.

Targeted results

In the project, official 3D geodata (LoD2, DGM) for selected regions in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg will be made available and prepared for use via 3DPS.

LeitungProf. Dr.-Ing. Volker Coors

Runder Tisch Gis (RT GIS), Landesamt für Landentwicklung und Geoinformatik (LGL), Landesamt für Digitalisierung,
Breitband und Vermessung (LDBV), Technische Universität München (TUM), 
Kommunen Lindau, Niedernhall, Wüstenrot und weitere


FördergeberRunder Tisch GIS e.V., c./o. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik Archisstraße 21, 80333 München



Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone
Vice-President Research and Digitization+49 711 8926 2663 1/121