During the six semesters of the Bachelor Degree Programme of Interior Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, future Interior Architects are studying with a focus on Architectural Design and its application. Interior Architecture is closely connected with holistic questions and tasks of architecture. For this reason, buildings, interiors, furnishings and furniture are regarded as a unity in the course of the study programme. By teaching profound technical, design and organisational knowledge we are educating our students to become competent generalists.
online from 1 to 31 May
6 semesters
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
An overview of the most impressive student works of the past year from all degree programmes at the Faculty of Architecture and Design.
The presence exhibition at the university in Building 8 showed a selection of student works from 17 to 24 October 2024.
All the best student works can still be seen in the digital collection: bestof.hft-stuttgart.de
Have fun discovering!
The study of Interior Architecture is divided into the areas of people, furniture and space.
As the user of our designs, people are the focus of Interior Architecture. Teaching includes topics from fields of anthropology, ergonomics, psychology and color perception, but also presentation, marketing, architecture, design, art and cultural history.
At the interface between people and space, furniture plays a central role in Interior Architecture: it should be haptically tangible, functional, well-designed, ergonomic and stable. Possibilities of construction and manufacturing as well as the constant change in furniture design are the content of the courses. In the course of their studies, all students design at least one piece of furniture and realise it as a prototype.
The design of space ranges from the construction of a built shell to atmosphere and mood. The theory study covers important teaching content on building construction, technical finishing, lighting design, material justice and sustainability in design. In the project study, this knowledge is applied in spatial designs and the results are communicated in the form of presentations.
The Bachelor's Degree programme enables students to study Interior Architecture in an up-to-date and practical manner, oriented towards the technical feasibility of creative solutions. Individual elective options allow students to set thematic emphases and deepen their own interests.
The following topics are in the foreground:
- Interior, furniture and scenography
- Perception, design and presentation
- Teamwork and interdisciplinarity
- Communication and language skills
- International contacts
<i>We shape the things we build, thereafter they shape us.</i>
It is the core task of Interior Architecture to create spaces and shape the built environment according to human needs, and both needs and spaces can vary greatly. Whether they apply their acquired skills directly in professional practice or deepen them in a Master's Degree Programme, our graduates are prepared for a wide range of activities based on a diverse range of study projects that reflect the spectrum of different tasks.
Bachelor Interior Architecture | Analog Representation Summer 2021
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | Fundamentals of Design
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | Fundamentals of Representation
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | Architecture and Film
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | One Sketch A Day Challenge
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | The City As An Interior
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | Roomling
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Bachelor Interior Architecture | Digital Architectural Modelmaking
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The external study project can be taken as an office internship in Germany or abroad (contact person Prof. Diane Ziegler) or as a semester abroad at one of our partner universities (contact person Prof. Andreas Kretzer). The International Student Office will support your preparations for a stay abroad. Currently, there are exchange programmes with the following partner universities:
<b>in Europe</b>
Finnland, Lathi: Lahti University of Applied Sciences<br>Frankreich, Paris: École Supérieure des Arts Modernes<br>Italien, Ferarra: University of Ferrara<br>Italien, Rom: Università di Roma, La Sapienza<br>Österreich, Salzburg: Fachhochschule Salzburg<br>Polen, Krakau: Cracow University of Technology<br>Portugal, Leiria: Polytécnico de Leiria<br>Schottland, Glasgow: Glasgow School of Art<br>Schottland, Edinburgh: Edinburgh College of Art<br>Schweden, Gothenburg: Academy of Art and Design<br>Schweiz, Lugano: Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana<br>Schweiz, Luzern: Hochschule Luzern<br>Spanien, Barcelona: Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny<br>Spanien, Logrono: Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja<br>Türkei, Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University und Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
<b>outside Europe</b>
China, Hongkong: Hongkong Polytechnic University<br>Costa Rica, Cartago: Tecnológico de Costa Rica<br>Indien, Ahmedabad: Centre for Environment Planning & Technology<br>Israel, Tel Aviv: Holon Institute of Technology<br>Japan, Kyoto: Kyoto Institute of Technology<br>Südafrika, Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela Metropolitain University
The application period for the winter semester 2025/26 for the Bachelor of Interior Architecture Programme is May 06 –31, 2025.
Application process:
1. upload documents:https: //www.hochschulstart.de/startseite
Copies of the following must be attached to the application: Proof of university entrance qualification and, if applicable, proof of existing creditable vocational training, proof of creditable previous internships and, if applicable, foreign educational certificates.
Further information can be found under Download: Admission and selection regulations
2. examination of your documents
The uploaded documents will be checked by Hochschulstart for completeness and validity. If your application in Hochschulstart is complete and valid, you will receive further information with the invitation to the artistic aptitude test.
3. artistic aptitude test
The aptitude test consists of a task and a professional interview. You can find further information under Download: Admission and selection statutes
4. evaluation
The tasks will be evaluated. If an artistic aptitude is recognisable, you will receive an invitation to the professional interview.
Further information can be found under Download: Admission and selection statutes
Do you have questions about studying?
Just write to: studienberatung-innenarchitektur(at)hft-stuttgart.de
You have general questions about the application?
Have a look at: https://www.hft-stuttgart.de/studium/bewerbung or write an email to: studsek(at)hft-stuttgart.de
How important is my high school diploma grade?
What mathematics skills should I bring with me?
Is a preliminary internship a prerequisite for admission?
Do I need an application portfolio?
When can I apply?
Is there a proficiency test?
How can I prepare myself?
Chamber capability
What vocational training can I get credit for?
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences<br>Faculty of Architecture and Design<br>Bachelor's Degree Programme in Interior Architecture<br>Schellingstrasse 24<br>70174 Stuttgart<br>
<b>Study Programme Coordination</b>
Phone +49 (0) 711 8926 2635
Fax +49 (0) 711 8926 2884
<b>Dean of Studies</b>
Prof. Karsten Weigel