- Marketing & Sales
- Human Resources Management
- Corporate Management & Controlling
- Service Management
How is a product launched? When do I make an investment? How can employees be motivated and what impact does sustainability have on the company organisation? Among others, students of the Bachelor of Business Adminitration are dealing with those questions. We at the University of Applied Sciences HFT Stuttgart provide practical training in small semester groups right in the centre of Stuttgart. The focus of our study program is on entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Our students learn to understand market opportunities, develop resources and use them effectively. We work with case studies, planning and simulation games, as well as project seminars - all in the spirit of "learning by doing"!
by 15th July for the winter semester
by 15th January for the summer semester
6 Semester
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Admission requirements
To successfully apply for the Bachelor of Business Administration at the HFT Stuttgart, the following requirements must be met:
- General higher education entrance qualification, subject-related higher education entrance qualification, advanced technical college entrance qualification or equivalent foreign educational qualifications.
Demands on prospective students
We are the right place for students who
- have an interest in economic relationships and entrepreneurial issues
- think analytically and have a good understanding of numbers
- are interested in learning new languages and foreign cultures
- take responsibility for themselves and their studies and work in a goal-oriented manner,
- are enthusiastic about innovations
- and wish to receive the most practical training possible.
What we can offer
We provide a generalist education in all economically relevant subjects in small semester groups. In addition to general basics, we offer great flexibility in the choice of subjects in the main study period. Individual priorities can be set according to personal interests and professional goals. The profiles "Strategy and Organisation", "Finance", "Industry and Services Management" and "General Management" are available for selection. We include current challenges and issues such as digitalisation, industry 4.0 and globalisation.
Our students have great possible flexibility in organising their studies. As a rule, they complete their studies after successfully passing all modules of the first six semesters with 180 ECTS-CP and the title "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) in Business Administration, accredited by FIBAA. In addition, the Bachelor Plus or International Business degree courses offer two options for expanding your studies.
Basic studies
In the first two semesters we teach the basics of business administration as well as the fundamentals of economics. Furthermore, important knowledge in financial mathematics, statistics and scientific work is taught. In addition, our students learn another foreign language from the first year of study - either Spanish, Chinese or Japanese.
Advanced studies
Students in the third semester choose three electives - according to their personal interests and professional goals. The lectures are then usualy read in the fourth semester. In order to make the choice easier, we offer the following profiles for orientation along different professional perspectives after graduation:
- Strategy and Organisation
- Finances
- Industry and Services Management
- General Management
At the same time, the knowledge gained from the basic studies is further intensified and important key qualifications are imparted. Individual lectures and events will be held in English.
Supervised Practical Study Project
Part of the advanced study phase is the supervised practical study project. Our students spend four to six months in a company of their choice in Stuttgart or abroad in order to put the knowledge they have acquired so far into practice.
Bachelor Thesis
In the sixth semester, our students write their Bachelor's thesis in cooperation with a company. The topics often arise from the supervised practical study project and are coordinated by the student with the contact person in the company and the supervising professor at the HFT Stuttgart. The Bachelor thesis often already enables the transition to a promising career.
Bachelor Plus
The Bachelor Plus is an extension of one semester with the aim of further deepening the knowledge and skills already acquired and increasing the qualifications and chances of a three-semester Master's degree. Our students study another semester and complete their studies after seven semesters with 210 ECTS-CP and the title "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) in Business Administration, accredited by FIBAA.
International Business
The "International Business" course is characterised by the special offer of a year abroad. If the students are interested in an international specialisation, they spend two semesters at a foreign partner university and complete their studies with 240 ECTS-CP and the title "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) in Business Administration, accredited according to FIBAA. Depending on the destination, this year of study abroad is combined with a double degree programme. In this case, our graduates also receive a second Bachelor's degree from our partner university, e.g. the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Metropolia University in Helsinki, Finland.
Our students are practically oriented and have a broad profile. They are qualified to take on business management tasks in all areas of large, medium-sized or small commercial enterprises, in consulting firms, research institutions or in the public sector. Different specialisations in the focal phase of the study programme enable students to concretise their profiles for career prospects in the areas of "Strategy and Organisation", "Finance", "Industry and Service Management" and "General Management". Our students' diverse career starts prove the broadly based study profile: whether an entry in an international group or in a family business in the Stuttgart economic region, whether in the automotive industry or in a service company, the careers of our students are as varied as the industries.