Allocation of study places

For courses of study for which admissions figures have been set, places are allocated through an admissions procedure in accordance with the Hochschulzulassungsverordnung (HZVO).


The available study places for the first semester are allocated as follows:


Pre-selection of a service

Of the admissions figures, those applicants who have completed a service will receive a place at university in advance.

In concrete terms, this means that these applicants have applied and received an admission and then

  • have completed military service, civilian service, federal voluntary service, voluntary social service or ecological year OR
  • have worked as a development aid worker for at least two years OR
  • have cared for or nursed a child under 18 years of age or another relative in need of care up to the age of three

and therefore could not accept the university place. Admission must be applied for no later than the second award procedure following the end of the service.


Deduction of quotas (foreign -/ second degree applicants/ hardship applications)

will then be deducted from the remaining study places:

  • up to 8 % to stateless or foreign* applicants; in some courses of study up to 10 %.

* does not apply to EU citizens who have equal status with Germans in the award procedure.

  • up to 2 % to second degree applicants, i.e. applicants who have already completed their studies
  • up to 5 % of places within the hardship quota at the request of applicants for whom non-admission to the course would mean exceptional hardship, particularly social hardship The ranking of the applicants is determined by the reason or degree of exceptional hardship.
  • up to 1% for selection according to location in the public interest

Selection procedure and waiting period

All study places still available then become

  • 90 % are awarded according to the result of a selection procedure carried out by the university (you will find the criteria specific to the course of study in the selection regulations of the respective courses of study)
  • 10 % allocated according to the waiting period, i.e. the number of full half-years (semesters) since obtaining the university entrance qualification during which one has not studied. The maximum creditable waiting period is 7 semesters.

The Numerus Clausus (NC) - admission limit

Our Bachelor's degree programmes, with the exception of the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, are subject to local admission restrictions. This means that there are more applicants than places and we can therefore only admit a certain number of students per semester.

Our university selection procedure and the waiting semesters form the ranking lists, on the basis of which the available study places are allocated. The grade that the last one had is then published as the NC value. However, this value should be regarded more as a guideline since it depends on how many applicants with which qualifications are in the process. Therefore, we cannot predict whether an application will be successful.

Currently you have a good chance of getting a study place in the following courses of study:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Building Physics
  • ClimateEngineering
  • Digitalisation and Information Management (former Information Logistics)
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Surveying and Geoinformatics

In the previous semesters, we were able to offer all applicants a place for these courses of study .


NC values for Bachelor's degree programmes as of winter semester 2019/20


Bachelor programWS 2022/23
SS 2022
WS 2021/22
SS2021WS 2020/21SS2020WS 2019/20
Architecture2,7/ 72,6/ 72,4/ 72,42,32,82,6
Civil Engineering2,9/ 23,3/ 13,1/ 22,932,92,7
Business Administration2,8/ 73,0/ 62,3/ 72,52,22,82,5
Computer Science2,6/ 62,8/ 42,4/ 73,42,72,92,5
Interior Architecture10 points*/ 6-8,8 points*-10.3 points*-10.7 points *
Business Information Systems2,8/ 43,3/ 03,0/ 63,12,83,12,9
Industrial Engineering, Construction and Real Estate2,6/ 4all applicants2,8/ 62,92,83,23,0
Business Psychology1,9/ 71,8/ 71,5/ 71,61,41,91,6

* Maximum score aptitude test 15 points

NC1: The value from WS 2021/22 after the NC (admission limit) shows the waiting semesters up to which we have admitted.

General Admission and Selection Regulations (Bachelor and Master)

Statute on general rules governing the admission and selection procedure for higher education institutions

Selection regulations for the Bachelor's programmes

Architecture and Design

Civil Engineering, Building Physics and Business Management

Civil Engineering

Building Physics

Business Administration

Infrastructure Management

Civil Engineering and Business Management

Business Psychology

Geomatics, Computer Science and Mathematics