The earth! It is the workplace of engineers in surveying and geoinformatics, or "geodesists" for short. It is their job to record, map and visualize the world in 3D.

As diverse as our earth is, as comprehensive are the fields of application of geoinformation engineers. On the page "What is surveying and geoinformatics?" you can find a compilation about the diverse professional field.

During your studies you will learn all the necessary basics needed to perform these exciting tasks responsibly. You will learn about different measuring instruments, measuring and evaluation methods and software programmes.

This is achieved through lectures and practical exercises. The study program can be customized in many places, e.g. through electives. The integration of external lecturers as well as modern measuring equipment and software support an up-to-date, practice-oriented study.
STUDY & WORK offers the opportunity to study under conditions similar to those of a dual study programme.

Course language is german!

For further profile enhancement, three master's degree programs are offered at the HFT Stuttgart. Our graduates have excellent career prospects and are ingreat demand both at home and abroad!

Application deadline

15 January (summer semester)
July 15 (winter semester)

Study time

7 Semester

Study title

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Gruppenbild Studienbereich Vermessung
We accompany your studies

Good reasons to study Surveying and Geoinformatics!

  • Studies with high practical relevance
  • Core areas from surveying, geoinformatics and land management
  • use the latest technology
  • extremely diverse career opportunities
  • working indoors and outdoors
  • participate in exciting projects
  • excellent career prospects
Vermessung und Geoinformatik Vorlesung am PC
We accompany your studies

Good reasons to study with us!

Patrick Woll

Surveying engineer at Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co.KG

The course of study is particularly characterised by the diversity of the profession, the manageable semester size and the modern instruments.

[Image: Studienbereich Vermessung]


Study structure - course language is german!

28% Surveying

26% Geoinformatics

5% Photogrammetry

24% Individual deepening

7% Mathematics and physics

10% Key Qualifications


Basic studies

In the 1st and 2nd semester, the basics of surveying technology, GNSS and geoinformation systems as well as scientific content and key qualifications are taught. The latter already prepare students at the beginning of their studies for later seminars, project presentations and possible stays abroad.


Main studies

In the 3rd and 4th semester the specialist knowledge is extended and deepened. Laser scanning, photogrammetry, geodetic networks, adjustment calculation and web technology are the keywords here. For this purpose, an insight into civil engineering is given. An integrated surveying project, in which contents from several modules are to be applied, rounds off this part of the course.


In the 5th semester, one or more study projects are worked on in the supervised practical semester in close cooperation with practice. This semester is also ideal for gaining experience abroad. The degree course in Surveying and Geoinformatics expressly supports stays abroad and offers ideal conditions for this due to the numerous international contacts to partner universities, companies and institutions.

The supervised practical semester can also be carried out within the framework of the Practical training centres that specifically want to support prospective students can conclude contracts with these organisations for working hours in the company during the course of their studies.

The supervised practical semester can also be carried out within the framework of a "study-accompanying education contract". Practical training centres that want to specifically support prospective students can conclude contracts with these for working hours in the company during the course of studies.


In the 6th and 7th semesters, the programme includes planning, land readjustment, valuation and official surveying. Other important qualifications for engineers are taught in legal, economic and management modules. Students can also set individual focal points in this stage of their studies. For example, in the processing of an interdisciplinary geoinformatics project, the choice of specialisation modules and an individual scientific project work as preparation for the Bachelor thesis.

With the bachelor thesis the students should show that they are able to work independently on a chosen project in a given time and to complete it successfully. Tasks result from research work of the professors or from cooperation with practice. The Bachelor thesis can of course also be completed at partner universities or companies abroad. The Bachelor thesis must be presented in a seminar. Examples of Bachelor's thesis topics from previous years.
The Bachelor's thesis can also be completed within the framework of a "study-accompanying education contract" or with a STUDY & WORK partner, subject to agreement on the content.

Anna-Maria Kunzi

Students in Bachelor Surveying and Geoinformatics

Our professors encourage us to carry out experiments independently and also to take paths that are not considered to be common practice. In this way we can learn from our tasks and grow from them. Even if one or the other measuring process does not run as expected, we are always driven to keep trying and learn from our mistakes, I appreciate that very much.

[Image: Anna-Maria Kunzi]


You are applying or already studying regularly in the study program Surveying and Geoinformatics at the HFT Stuttgart. At the same time, you have successfully applied for a study-accompanying education contract with one of our STUDY & WORK partners. This allows you to work during your studies, earn money and gain valuable practical experience at the same time. The contract specifies the dovetailing of studies and in-company practical phases. Typical practical phases are the semester breaks, the practical semester and the bachelor's thesis. In addition, if possible, one day per week is kept free during the lecture period for working in the partner company. Other contract contents are the remuneration and further rights and obligations.

Can I study surveying and geoinformatics dual?

Who is STUDY & WORK suitable for?

How do I apply for STUDY & WORK?

Is there a STUDY & WORK contract without a study place?

Is there a place to study without a STUDY & WORK contract?

Can I still apply for STUDY & WORK during my studies?

Which companies and authorities are eligible for STUDY & WORK?

My desired company is not yet a STUDY & WORK partner, what can I do?

How does a company become a STUDY & WORK partner?

Are there any other financing options for my studies?

Partner companies of STUDY & WORK

Stays abroad

Studentin mit Rucksack bereit für Auslandserfahrungen

What does a stay abroad during my studies offer me?

  • Individual education
  • Networking
  • Intercultural competence
  • Foreign language skills
  • Strengthening personal character traits (independence, flexibility, initiative, assertiveness)
Vermessung und Geoinformatik Einsatz in der Polarfoschung

How do I integrate a stay abroad into my studies?

  • during a study semester
  • during the supervised practical study project
  • during the final thesis

A stay abroad is explicitly supported by the study program! In the field of surveying and geoinformatics of the HFT Stuttgart there are numerous international university partnerships and further foreign contacts to companies and institutions.

For preparation and planning of a semester abroad you can contact the International Office of the university, or the international representative of the Department of Surveying Prof. Dr. Paul Rawiel.

Partner universities and contacts abroad

Especially studying at a partner university in the course of an exchange semester offers the following advantages:

  • simple application procedure
  • regulated recognition of achievements
  • no tuition fees
  • easier access to student residences

Partner universities in America

Partner universities in Asia

Partner universities in Europe

Foreign contacts in Africa

Foreign contacts in America

Foreign contacts in Asia

Foreign contacts in Australia

Foreign contacts in Europe

Thimo Harder

Student in Bachelor Surveying Geoinformatics

South Tyrol is the short holiday country par excellence and I was also

4 years before my internship already once a week in South Tyrol. However, it makes a

big difference in how you perceive the country and its people, whether you "only" look at

holiday there or lives and works there.

Application & Admission

The application for the bachelor's programme Surveying and Geoinformatics is done online.

Prerequisite for admission is the certificate of the general higher education entrance qualification, the subject-related higher education entrance qualification or the advanced technical college entrance qualification.

No pre-study internship is required! If you have no relevant training, it might be worth considering the future job description and doing a short internship before you start studying. Possibilities for this exist in surveying or engineering offices, in planning and consulting offices, in the public service at federal, state and local level, in construction companies, in industry (e.g. mechanical engineering, plant construction), in equipment development, in software companies or in research institutions. Address such places in your place of residence. They will usually be happy to help you.


Finished your studies! What then?

Graduates of "geodesy courses" have the best prospects for an exciting and versatile job. The demand for qualified specialists is very high!

Due to a wide range of tasks, there are numerous jobs in the most diverse areas of public administrations, the free economy and research.

The use of the latest technologies also opens up new fields of activity.

For further education, the HFT Stuttgart offers the following advanced Master's degree programs:

95%have a suitable job immediately after graduation

5%additionally do a Master degree

Facilities & Laboratories


Esri User Conference 2024

Meeting place for GIS specialists from Baden-Württemberg

View Article
KonGeoS 2024 Gruppenfoto aller Teilnehmer:innen


24th Conference of Geodesy Students in Stuttgart

View Article

Patrick Woll

Surveying engineer at Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co.KG

I decided to study Surveying and Geoinformatics because at a training fair it was said that I could "play around" with expensive technology.

[Image: Studienbereich Vermessung]

Fabian Müller

LBBW Immobilien Kommunalentwicklung GmbH

The study course Surveying and Geoinformatics is characterised by its versatility. It is reminiscent of business studies - nowadays, especially due to the influence of information technology, one has the opportunity to work anywhere.

[Image: Fabian Müller]

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