Application deadline

January 15 (summer semester)
July 15 (winter semester)

Study time

3 semesters or 5 semesters (part time)

Study title

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Why study Master Surveying?

The Master of Engineering Surveying is a geodesy course of study that prepares students for a career in industrial and engineering surveying as well as for a career in higher administrative surveying. For this purpose, you will acquire in-depth knowledge in earth physics, statistics, industrial surveying, land management and geoinformatics.
The language of instruction is German.
The target group are bachelor's graduates with a deeper interest in surveying and graduates of a university course with a focus on geodesy. The contents of the three-semester course of study have been agreed upon with representatives from the field of practice and the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Württemberg in such a way that the qualification for the legal clerkship for theHigher Surveying Administration Service is achieved. In addition, the course of study is kept flexible through additional options such as traffic planning or 3D city models and not only meets the future requirements of industry and administration, but also takes into account current problems such as the development of Smart Cities and modern sustainable mobility concepts

Graduates can expect a job market with a high demand for qualified engineers. Career entries succeed with comprehensive knowledge in industrial surveying (e.g. automotive industry or precision mechanical/optical field), at university as well as in research or teaching. Geodesists are also required in accident and crime scene surveying, which is part of forensics.

The Master's degree qualifies for a career in higher administrative service as well as for a doctorate.

Gruppenbild Studienbereich Vermessung
We accompany your studies

Good reasons for a Master's degree in Surveying!

  • Very good career prospects
  • Enormously high range of interesting possibilities.
  • You are interested in further deepening the knowledge you acquired in your Bachelor's degree
  • A Master's degree opens additional doors, e.g. in public service and research
  • Qualification for the legal clerkship for the Higher Administrative Surveying Service
Messung im Projekt Ingenieurvermessung (Master Vermessung)
We accompany your studies!

Good reasons to study with us!

  • Studies with high practical relevance
  • Part-time studies possible
  • Competent and committed professors, employees
  • Assistant lecturers from the private sector and from administrations for even more practical relevance
  • Laboratories with extensive and modern equipment
  • Intensive contacts to partner universities at home and abroad
  • Foreign languages and soft skills
  • Applied research


Messung im Projekt Ingenieurvermessung (Master Vermessung)

What do you have to bring?

  • An above-average degree - grade average 2.5 or better - from a German university or a comparable foreign university with at least three years of standard study in the profile Surveying and Geoinformatics.
  • Thirst for knowledge and interest in processes on and in the earth that are relevant for geodesy.
  • Openness, willingness to work together with other disciplines in interdisciplinary teams

What do we offer?

  • A sound training in the above-mentioned key areas
  • Intensive contact with the teachers through small groups
  • Mediation of contents in practical project work
  • Exciting business contacts at home and abroad
  • Most modern measuring instruments and software
  • Numerous laboratories with extensive equipment and competent support
  • The opportunity to study abroad
  • Learning foreign languages
  • To acquire further soft skills for a professional life as an executive


10%Deepened basics

17%Engineering Surveying


56%compulsory elective incl. Master thesis

The completely modularized course of study can be completed full-time (3 semesters) or part-time (5 semesters). By grouping the main subjects Engineering Surveying and Landmanagement, the course can be started in the winter semester as well as in the summer semester. In all modules, rhetoric, presentation techniques, scientific and interdisciplinary work and teamwork are encouraged. Competences in marketing, leadership and management can be acquired in interdisciplinary elective courses.


Summer semester: Engineering Surveying

Geodesy, measurement data analysis, engineering geodesy, project work engineering surveying and elective courses.


Wintersemester: Landmanagement

Landmanagement, real estate cadastre, spatial and urban land use planning, land readjustment, geodata management, project organisation and project control, project work landmanagement and elective courses.


Elective courses

In both specialisations, compulsory modules of 20 credits must be completed. A further 10 credit points per specialisation are to be acquired in elective subjects. These can be chosen in consultation with the Dean of Studies, the courses offered in all master's degree programmes at the HFT Stuttgart or other universities. This strengthens interdisciplinarity.


Final semester & Master Thesis

In the final semester, the focus is on research work and the Master's thesis. With the final Master's thesis, students show that they can independently work on a chosen project in a scientifically sound manner within a given time and complete it successfully. Tasks result from research work of the professors or from cooperation with practice. Suggestions from students are gladly taken up. The Master's thesis can of course also be completed at partner universities or companies abroad. The master thesis must be presented and defended in a seminar.
Examples of Master's thesis topics from previous years.

Anna-Maria Kunzi

Students in Bachelor Surveying and Geoinformatics

Our professors encourage us to carry out experiments independently and also to take paths that are not considered to be common practice. In this way we can learn from our tasks and grow from them. Even if one or the other measuring process does not run as expected, we are always driven to keep trying and learn from our mistakes, I appreciate that very much.

[Image: Anna-Maria Kunzi]

Stays abroad

Studentin mit Rucksack bereit für Auslandserfahrungen

What does a stay abroad during my studies offer me?

  • Enrichment of individual education,
  • opportunity to establish contacts and expand networks,
  • confrontation with cultural traditions,
  • improvement of intercultural competence and foreign language skills,
  • strengthening of personal character traits (independence, flexibility, initiative, assertiveness).
Vermessung und Geoinformatik Einsatz in der Polarfoschung

How do I integrate a stay abroad into my studies?

  • during a study semester
  • during the final thesis

A stay abroad is explicitly supported by the study program! In the field of surveying and geoinformatics of the HFT Stuttgart there are numerous international university partnerships and further foreign contacts to companies and institutions.

For preparation and planning of a semester abroad you can contact the International Office of the university, or the international representative of the Department of Surveying Prof. Dr. Paul Rawiel.

Partner universities and contacts abroad

Especially studying at a partner university in the course of an exchange semester offers the following advantages:

  • simple application procedure
  • regulated recognition of achievements
  • no tuition fees
  • easier access to student residences

Partner universities in America

Partner universities in Asia

Partner universities in Europe

Foreign contacts in Africa

Foreign contacts in America

Foreign contacts in Asia

Foreign contacts in Australia

Foreign contacts in Europe

Funding / Scholarships

In addition to BAföG, scholarships can also contribute to the financing of studies. The HFT Stuttgart supervises two scholarships:

  • HFT scholarship
  • Germany Scholarship

Further information can be found under "Financing".

Application & admission

The application for the Master's programme in Surveying is done online.

The prerequisite is an above-average degree - grade average 2.5 or better - from a German university or a comparable foreign university with at least three years of standard study in the profile Surveying and Geoinformatics.


Our graduates have a wide range of career opportunities, both as independent engineers and in management positions in business and public administration. The main focus on landmanagement and engineering surveying qualifies them for various fields of geodesy. Both in the classical fields of geodesy as well as in new fields of work resulting from digitalisation, the energy revolution or the development of smart cities, young professionals are urgently sought. So an interesting and diverse field of work is waiting for you.


Fields of activity

  • as self-employed engineers
  • as a salaried employee or employee in companies or public administration
  • Qualification for a legal clerkship for the higher surveying administration service is achieved with the Master degree
  • Employees in industry (e.g. automotive industry, keyword "mobility")
  • research and development

Fabian Müller

LBBW Immobilien Kommunalentwicklung GmbH

Since my master's degree, I have been constantly working as a student trainee in various companies. Thus I immediately found a job or was taken on.

[Image: Fabian Müller]

Facilities & Laboratories



Esri User Conference 2024

Meeting place for GIS specialists from Baden-Württemberg

Around 100 users of Esri's GIS software met at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. Decision-makers from district offices, cities & municipalities and regional associations, employees from the Ministry of Transport and the State Office for Geo-Information and Rural Development, as well as from engineering firms, took the opportunity to attend specialist presentations and exchange ideas with colleagues.

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KonGeoS 2024 Gruppenfoto aller Teilnehmer:innen


24th Conference of Geodesy Students in Stuttgart

The Conference of Geodesy Students (KonGeoS) is a meeting of students on geodesy degree programmes at German-speaking universities. The student councils there organise a meeting at a different university location approximately every semester to network students with each other and to network with important companies and associations in the field of geodesy. KonGeoS took place in Stuttgart at the beginning of June 2024.

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Vermessungsdrohne mit Multispektralkamera fliegt über einen Mistelzweig

Not under - but above the mistletoe!

Drone flights with multispectral camera to detect mistletoe infestation in orchards

The uncontrolled spread of mistletoe in fruit trees jeopardises the orchards typical of Germany. With the help of photogrammetric analyses of multispectral images, an early, automatic detection and assessment of mistletoe infestation in orchards is to be made possible. This should enable actions against to be taken for the sustainable preservation of the tree population and the microclimates prevailing in orchards.

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