With the project HFTCampusInternational, HFT Stuttgart pursues the goal of advancing the internationalization of studies and teaching at the university. Based on the strategy for the further internationalization of studies and teaching at HFT Stuttgart (cf. Strategic Goal 1.6 in the StEP 2023 - 2027), four packages of measures were developed. These packages of measures are briefly presented below with their overarching goal, a brief description and the concrete measures.



Project goals and measures



The internationalization strategy is to be strengthened and further developed in a targeted manner and thus "thought through" and sustainably anchored throughout the university.


  • Establish internationalization working group
  • Establishment of an internal, collaborative exchange and information platform



A stable network of international partner universities is to ensure the internationalization of studies and teaching in the long term.


  • Optimization of the international partner university network
  • Testing new formats in teaching and learning with international partner universities
  • Expansion of the international partner university network

International Study Program (ISP)


Combined as the 'International Study Program' (ISP), the aim is to provide all international exchange students with an attractive and sustainable range of events.


  • English-language study programs in all areas of study
  • Interdisciplinary offerings for international students
  • Optimization of English-language study programs



The development and implementation of a comprehensive information concept for the transparent presentation of internationalization offers and activities is to focus on the needs and target groups and ensure effective information provision.


  • Develop and implement information concept for internationalization offers and activities
  • Develop social media as an information and communication channel
  • Reach prospective international students

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