Faculty of Architecture and Design
Punkt 7 Lecture Series Architecture
Series of lectures in the winter semester with work reports by renowned architects.
Day of Planning
Forum for university and practice with panel discussion on annually changing topics. Offices, development agencies, offices, professional associations and students present themselves in a joint exhibition. The HFT Stuttgart and the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences jointly organise the "Day of Planning" every year.
Case Study Day
Sustainable - Planning - Building - Benefits Plans, calculations and innovative technology are the beginning of successful, future-oriented projects. They have to be proven to residents and users in their everyday lives, and only in perspective will it be possible to evaluate the objectives over the entire life cycle. The processes of planning, construction and building operation will be examined on the Case Study Day at the HFT Stuttgart in lectures and discussions using selected, current buildings as examples.
![[Image: Florian Hammerich] Eine Säule im Lichthof von Bau 1](/fileadmin/Dateien/Hochschule/_processed_/a/2/csm_HFT-Weiterbildung-Gebaeude_Bau1_acaf351b97.jpg)
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Building Physics and Economics
Civil Engineer Day
Every two years, the Bachelor's programme in Civil Engineering organises the so-called "Civil Engineers' Day" in cooperation with the Entrepreneurs' Advisory Board for the construction-related courses of study in Faculty B. On this day, current topics from practice are presented and discussed before students, graduates and practitioners.
Building Physicists' Meeting
Forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience.
Symposium on Natural Stone Restoration
Besides topics on the restoration of natural stone and the renovation of natural stone masonry, problems and solution approaches are presented using a concrete example.
Forum Concrete Restoration
New regulations, new technological developments and also the refreshing of basic knowledge make it necessary time and again to inform clients, planners and construction companies about the latest developments in the field of concrete restoration.
Seminar Geotechnics
The HFT Stuttgart and the University of Stuttgart, together with the VDI, the VBI and the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Engineers, organise a series of lectures every semester on current issues in geotechnics and tunnelling.
Entrepreneur Forum
In the summer semester, the Entrepreneurial Advisory Board for the construction-related courses of study in Faculty B invites students to get in touch with the companies from the construction industry represented on the advisory board. Graduates of construction-related courses of study report on their way from university into professional practice and their current projects. In doing so, they give the students helpful tips on how to prepare them optimally for practical work and what the expectations of potential employers are.
![[Image: Florian Hammerich] Ein Gang in Bau 2](/fileadmin/Dateien/Hochschule/_processed_/2/0/csm_HFT-Weiterbildung-Gebaeude_Bau2_3f7a05038b.jpg)
Faculty of Surveying, Informatics and Mathematics
ESRI User Meeting
A forum for the exchange of experience between university and practice. Besides ESRI users, the target group of the seminar are all GIS interested parties who want to inform themselves about new developments and possibilities in this rapidly developing field.
Information Day
A ramble through the application areas of computer science.
International Symposium Industrial Geometry
Symposium with lectures on geometry in industrial applications.
Information Logistics Day
The Information Logistics Day offers lectures from industry and research on the topic of information logistics. In addition, a small trade fair will be held in the Lichthof.
Surveyors' Day
The Surveyors' Day represents an important link between science and practice. Short presentations will be given on the latest developments.
Workshop Finance and Insurance
A workshop on current topics from the banking and insurance sector.