IWW - The Institute for Executive Education at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
![[Image: Jürgen Pollak] Luftaufnahme der Hochschule für Technik](/fileadmin/Dateien/Hochschule/_processed_/2/8/csm_HFT-Weiterbildung-Gebaeude_Luftbild_83ee396d84.jpg)
IWW - The Institute for Executive Education at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
Against the background of major technological and social upheavals such as digitisation and demographic change, adult education and lifelong learning are becoming increasingly important on the labour market. With the foundation of the Institute for Executive Education - IWW -, the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences is reacting to the increasing demand for continuing education and establishing a central institution for continuing education at an academic level. The IWW develops further education offers in cooperation with the faculties and study areas and serves as a cooperation partner for joint programmes with universities, professional and trade associations, companies and other institutions.