Laboratory for Natural Language Processing - NLP
In this lab, research is conducted on the automatic analysis of text data using machine learning methods. The focus is on the application area "learning and testing". for example by supporting human raters in correcting free text questions. The reliable, rapid feedback from formative tests in turn…
Programming via livestream
Programming: Learning by Doing 14.04.2020, by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pado The best way to learn programming is to try it out a lot supported by teachers who look over your shoulder at the right time. This situation is not possible at the moment, but Prof. Dr. Stefan Knauth and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pado try to…
KNIGHT project
Artificial Intelligence in Education at HFT Stuttgart Overview The focus of the KNIGHT project is, on the one hand, the individualisation of student learning processes and the support of professors in their supervisory tasks and, on the other hand, the development of competences that promote the…
Learning without limits
Master Software Technology: Digital teaching enables unlimited learning 16.04.2020, by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pado The master's degree program in Software Technology is considered an internationally oriented course of study. Due to the corona crisis many of the students are currently not in Stuttgart, but…
Melanie Baur
Course Director Bachelor of Computer Science
Good Research Practice
The publication of the code of conduct “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice” in 1998 marked the establishment of a system of self-regulation within the German research community. The code is based on the fundamental principles of a methodical, systematic and verifiable approach, which…
Digital Transformation in Research, Education and Business
The overarching research question of the Centre for Digital Transformation in Research, Education and Business (ZeDFLoW) is: Where and how can digital transformation make a positive contribution in the areas of research/science, education and business? This question is addressed by the professors…
Projekt KNIGHT - Researching Artificial Assistance for Teaching and Learning
In the new KNIGHT project, the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences is researching how learning processes can be supported automatically, but also how teaching staff can be relieved of administrative tasks and advising. HFT Stuttgart will receive funding of 1.9 million euros from the…
Industrial applications of computer science and mathematics
The Centre for Industrial Applications of Mathematics and Computer Science (ZINA) combines well-founded, problem-oriented basic research with application-oriented industrial research. The speaker of the competence centre is Prof. Dr. Nicola Wolpert. On the one hand, the method development carried…