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HFT meets IBA – Urban Acoustics

Noise and sound in the city – healthy living despites spatial consolidation?

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HFT meets IBA: An interview with Dr. Steffen Wurzbacher

„We want to make an innovative contribution in sustainable urban planning“

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HFT meets IBA – Urban climate and green spaces

Climate-friendly urban planning: Concepts for Stuttgart from research and practice

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Mann am Rednerpult

Dialogue Forum Stuttgart Region - City of the Future

The third event continues the success

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Personen unterhalten sich

Dialogue Forum Region Stuttgart - Artificial Intelligence

The second date in the series

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IAF under new leadership

Change of leadership of the Institute of Applied Research (IAF) at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT) as of 1 June 2019.

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New chair for Prof. Dr Ursula Eicker

Prof. Dr habil Ursula Eicker takes over research chair at Concordia University in Montréal

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Besprechungsrunde im großen Kreis

Dialogue Forum Stadtwerke Region Stuttgart

Dialogue Forum Stadtwerke Region Stuttgart successful

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