We all know that a good network is especially important for professional success. But very few of us approach it systematically. With Working Out Loud, you can learn how to network systematically and build resilient relationships. The first pilot starts this week at HFT Stuttgart.

John Stepper

Working Out Loud is a simple way to build relevant working relationships that help achieve a goal or discover new topics.

What is Working Out Loud?

Working Out Loud (WOL for short) is, in simple terms, a set of practical techniques and working tools to build relationships and harness the knowledge of networks. In practical terms, the method is implemented in a so-called Working Out Loud circle. People meet in a small group for one hour every week for 12 weeks (in person or digitally). Each participant works on a professional or personal learning goal with the help of the other group members.

Working Out Loud at HFT Stuttgart and beyond

To try out Working Out Loud for themselves, the innovation managers of M4_LAB (Innovative University) launched a first pilot. In the kick-off meeting, networking and knowledge exchange were tested virtually. Some joint initiatives have already developed from this.

For the concrete implementation of the method in a 12-week plan, 17 people from 9 different organizations have signed up. Different worlds of experience of the participants enrich the circles enormously, therefore employees of other universities of applied sciences and universities were invited to the kick-off. Starting this week, these individuals will launch the experiment in four circles. There will also be open exchange on social media under #letsWOL.

The learning and working of the future happens in the network

In a world that is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic, new approaches are needed. For this, we need the ability to communicate openly and share knowledge, and thus to collaborate better.

Working Out Loud can help to learn these skills, because the approach is based on the following elements:

  • visible work and transparent communication
  • eye-to-eye relationships
  • Generosity
  • A focus on growth
  • Meaningful goals

The approach has been introduced bottom-up by employees in many companies, where it has been very well received. Working Out Loud is more an attitude than a method. Perhaps that's why it has become a worldwide movement.

If you would like to participate in the next round, please contact Ann Kristin Graumann or Elena Schön.

Publish date: 04. May 2020
By Elena Schön (elena.schoen@hft-stuttgart.de) , Ann-Kristin Graumann (Ann-Kristin.Graumann@hft-stuttgart.de)