In the current ranking of the Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) the Bachelor programme Business Psychology gets top scores and is nationally in the top range.
We are very pleased about the very good results in Business Psychology at the HFT Stuttgart. This is the reward for the many years of excellent cooperation between students, staff, lecturers, alumni and professors.
Five times best rating nationwide
In 13 out of 17 evaluated criteria, the Bachelor's study course in Business Psychology is represented in the top group. Business Psychology at the HFT Stuttgart even received the best ratings in Germany in the areas of "support by lecturers", "offers for career orientation", "practical relevance", "subject-specific equipment" and "support at the beginning of studies".
Despite our excellent results, the results of the ranking and the feedback from our students give us a clear incentive not to stand still, but to continue to develop Business Psychology at the HFT Stuttgart. We are all very much looking forward to the coming challenges.
Business Psychology at the HFT Stuttgart
In the programme of Business Psychology at the HFT Stuttgart, students learn to apply scientific findings from psychology to business management issues. Social and political changes contribute to the fact that "the human factor" is increasingly gaining attention in the corporate context. How can teams work together efficiently? How do consumers make their purchasing decisions? How do you prepare a company for digital change?
At the HFT Stuttgart, the subject of Business Psychology is offered as a Bachelor's and Master's programme. In small semester groups, students are taught business and psychological content in equal parts. Individual focuses can be set. Students at the HFT Stuttgart benefit from a high degree of practical relevance, an attractive partner network with companies, numerous application-oriented research projects and a central study location in the middle of Stuttgart.
Current CHE university ranking 2020/21
The Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung gGmbH (CHE), in cooperation with DIE ZEIT, conducts an annual ranking of universities in Germany. The data collection for the individual subjects is carried out every 3 years. The current results of the CHE university ranking with more than 300 examined universities and about 120,000 students. are published in the ZEIT study guide.