525 scholarships since the foundation was established

77 scholarships in the year 2019

With its own university foundation, the Studienstiftung der HFT Stuttgart, the university assumes a special social responsibility. The desire to provide young people with a good education and thus open up future opportunities for them led to the establishment of the foundation in 2011. The foundation capital was made available by the Verein Freunde der HFT Stuttgart. Students who found themselves in financial difficulties due to the tuition fees at the time were to be able to obtain a good degree with the help of scholarships. After the abolition of tuition fees in 2012, the scholarships were retained, as the financial support and networking with the sponsors proved to be an extremely positive motivation boost.

In addition to the support of scholarships, there are other possibilities to become actively involved in university life as a sponsor. Companies, offices, foundations, associations or private individuals are cordially invited to become involved with the HFT Stuttgart. Every contribution counts.


Stipendiaten der HFT Stuttgart im ersten Stock von Bau 1 der Hochschule

Main purpose of the foundation

Scholarships can be awarded on the basis of performance as well as social criteria. The social aspect is to be the main focus of the foundation's scholarships, since particularly high-performing students are supported by the Germany scholarship. The foundation primarily supports those students who, for various reasons, have not yet been able to fully exploit their educational potential.

Target group

  • Students with several side jobs
  • Educational achievers
  • Students with children
  • Nursing students
  • Students with health restrictions
  • Students with strong voluntary commitment

General promotion

Stipendiaten im Gespräch mit Stipendiengebern beim Jobtalk der HFT Stuttgart

Different projects

Sponsors have the opportunity to support different areas of the university and thus to assist both the HFT Stuttgart and the students. The Studienstiftung acts as an intermediary between the founder/donor and the university participants. Each project is preceded by a consultation with the funding recipient with the aim and purpose of funding.

Funding projects

  • University projects
  • Student projects
  • Research work
  • Excursions
  • Endowments
  • Donations

Board of Trustees of the University foundation

A board of trustees advises the management of the foundation in its business activities and assists in the acquisition of donations and endowments. Currently, the Board of Trustees consists of five members:

Wolfgang Chur (Chairman of the Foundation Board)

Dr. Susanne Dieterich

Bernd Göhner

Dr. Stefan Hofmann

Dr. Dirk Neumeister

Contact person