The qualification of young people and the imparting of professional skills is the very own task of a university. With its educational mission, it "supplies" the most important resource of our economy: well-trained specialists. Support the young talents, the university itself or individual projects and research projects can be provided in various ways.

Companies that are interested in a closer exchange with the HFT Stuttgart benefit from the opportunity to become directly involved at the university.

We would be pleased to present you individual offers for your company.

Advantages of your engagement

Gäste auf der Stipendiatenfeier der HFT Stuttgart

University support

  • Direct contact to research and science through exchange with professors and staff
  • Broader networking and increased awareness
  • Positive influence on the image of the conveyor
  • Public appreciation by university media
  • Invitation to university events
  • Tax advantages for donations and sponsoring

Student support

  • Intensive exchange with young professionals
  • Securing advantages over competitors when recruiting employees
  • Increase awareness of your own brand
  • Improvement of study conditions
  • Participation in exclusive events such as company fairs and scholarship holder parties

4000 Students

150 Professors

300 Employees

How can you get involved?


Förderung der Studierenden mit dem Deutschlandstipendium

Support students in a direct way

Would you like to support students in their studies, offer student jobs or a place for the practical semester? Meet our students personally, because every scholarship is a 1:1 award. The award criteria and funding objectives are agreed individually with each supporter. The focus is on promotion, and job offers are an optional additional offer.

Scholarship programs

179 scholarships in 2019: Many thanks to our sponsors!

Contact person