Until recently, Jörg Sommer-König was working on his Bachelor's thesis in the Surveying and Geoinformatics degree programme, testing various GNSS measurement methods for his employer, with whom he has concluded a study-accompanying education contract.
His studies were made easier thanks to the study-accompanying education contract - the financial support was particularly helpful, but also the additional practical experience in the workplace.
You worked on your bachelor thesis until recently - on which topic?
he topic is: Comparison of GNSS methods in a disturbing environment on an own test field.
What was your task there more exactly?
I examined different GNSS measurement methods in an environment that corresponds to the everyday conditions of official surveying in the Black Forest. The Black Forest is characterized by extensive forests and narrow valleys and gorges. Methods such as measurement with real-time correction data from different services, real-time correction data from an own reference station and recording of raw data with subsequent post-processing were tested.
What did you like about this thesis?
I liked the fact that I was able to choose my own topic in consultation with the Calw District Office and the HFT Stuttgart and thus deal with what I like best about the job: the alternation between office work and field work.
The creation of a measurement concept, the field service planning and the evaluation in the office I could realize according to my own ideas - always in further consultation with the department of surveying, LRA CW and my supervisor from the university Prof. Dr. Paul Rawiel. If I was not sure about something, I could fall back on the support of experienced colleagues and the team of the surveying department.
At the same time as your studies, you had an study-accompanying education contract with the LRA Calw Department of Surveying. How did this contract come about?
During my training as a surveying technician at the Calw District Office, Department of Surveying, the personnel department approached me and asked whether I was interested in studying and in an educational contract. Since I had already found the right profession for me and also felt comfortable in the department, I decided to further deepen my knowledge in surveying and enroll in the degree program in surveying and geoinformatics at the HFT Stuttgart.
What conditions were agreed upon?
I was released from work for the lecture periods and exam dates. During the lecture-free periods (semester breaks) I went to work at the office. In return, I received a fixed salary every month and was also entitled to vacation. The practical semester and the bachelor thesis were carried out at the district office in Calw. After successfully completing my studies, I was offered an employment contract as a salaried employee or the preparatory service for the higher surveying administration service. If I did not stay with the Calw District Office after graduation, part of the compensation would be reclaimed.
When / how often did you work during your studies?
I had a permanent job in the surveying department of the LRA Calw and came to work every semester break.
What advantages do you have from this study-accompanying education contract?
I see the study-accompanying contract as a great opportunity to start my professional life already during my studies. I was able to put the skills I had learned to practical use during the semester breaks. In addition, I didn't have to worry about how I was going to make a living during lectures and exams. I earned my money during the semester break in the profession that I will also pursue after graduation and not at a supermarket checkout or as a vacation jobber on the assembly line. Another advantage is that a perspective for a job as a graduate is already given during the studies.
![[Image: Sommer-König] Student bei der Suche nach Waldgrenzsteinen während seines Praxissemesters](/fileadmin/Dateien/Vermessung/_processed_/e/8/csm_studienbegleitender-bildungsvertrag-sommer-koenig_edf84bf1c4.jpg)
Can theory and practical experience be gained in the study program even without a study-accompanying education contract?
There are some practical exercises in the study program itself. The highlight of this is the integrated surveying project. Over two weeks, the entire study program goes to a youth hostel, for example, and works together on a surveying project. Different measurement methods such as GNSS measurements, total station measurements, leveling and laser scanning are used.
Would you study the course again (even without a study-accompanying education contract)?
Due to the shortage of part-time and vacation jobs caused by the pandemic, I would not have known how to finance my entire studies. I'm not sure I would have taken out a student loan. I would do it all again exactly the same way with an educational contract that accompanies my studies.
What was your most exciting / most beautiful experience during your studies / thesis?
My most pleasant experience was that I was entrusted with the bachelor thesis "on my own" by the surveying department of the Calw district office and by the university, even though it was my first bachelor thesis in the department. I was able to participate in the planning and execution of the survey to a large extent according to my own ideas. Regular discussions with my supervisor in the department and with Prof. Rawiel ensured that the project would succeed.
Working indoors and outdoors, studying and working - Jörg Sommer König was able to combine all of this during his surveying and geoinformatics studies with a study-accompanying education contract. The picture shows him searching for forest boundary stones during his practical semester.