Verleihung des VDI Preises an Frau Möhnle durch Prof. Dr. Riedel im Beisein von Prof. Dr. Gülch

Congratulations on the VDI award!

Theresa Möhnle receives award for best final thesis in natural sciences

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Verleihung des Student's Contest 2019 Award an Hamidreza Ostadabbas

Student's Contest 2019 Award

Awarded to Hamidreza Ostadabbas, Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics

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AGSE Summer School 2019 Gruppenbild

AGSE 2019 - Digital Landscapes: Chances for Development

Double birthday and 24h webinar

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Schülerprojekt am Königin-Katharina-Stift übergroße Deutschlandkarte - Gruppenbild

Oversized map of Germany

Project week at the Königin-Katharina Stift, an event within the framework of the Geodesy Action Week Baden-Württemberg

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Esri Anwendertreffen 2019

16. Esri User Meeting

For the 16th time, the HFT Stuttgart hosted the ESRI User Meeting Baden-Württemberg under the direction and moderation of Prof. Dr. Dietrich Schröder.

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Hybrid Moments Projektion des 3D-Modells

Hybrid Moments

Performative working day of Sense Trans Techno with the survey department of the HFT Stuttgart and Stadtlücken e.V.

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Geoinformatik Beispiel Klimawandel

Stay cool!

Students in Surveying and Geoinformatics stay cool and are on the trail of the summer heat.

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