Pupils of the Königin-Katharina-Stift in Stuttgart, together with the surveying department of the HFT Stuttgart, have created a large, true-to-scale map of Germany in the school corridor.

As part of the Baden-Württemberg Geodesy Action Week, the Surveying Department of the HFT Stuttgart carried out a surveying project at Stuttgart's Königin-Katharina-Stift in July 2019. On three mornings the students worked together with professors and staff of the university on the project "Oversized Map of Germany".

To do this, the pupils first had to survey and map their school corridor. According to this plan, the largest possible map of Germany was planned. In the end, this resulted in an extension of 5.0 x 8.76 metres.

After the students had got to know a modern total station, the last day was dedicated to staking out the map on the designated area using known UTM coordinates. The UTM system (Universal Transverse Mercator) is a global coordinate system that divides the earth's surface into 6° wide vertical zones in strips. The students' map, completely in the UTM projection, contained not only the national borders and some cities, but also the UTM coordinates at the edges.

At the following school party the "map of Germany Oversized" could be admired by the guests. Further information about the action week Geodesy Baden-Württemberg.

Prof. Dr. Hardy Lehmkühler (hardy.lehmkuehler(at)hft-stuttgart.de)

Publish date: 01. August 2019