The Master's programme in Mathematics aims to train application-oriented mathematicians with in-depth knowledge and skills on the basis of a first university degree in mathematics or a mathematical-scientific or technical subject with substantial mathematical content. With the majors Financial and Actuarial Mathematics and Algorithm Engineering, the study program is geared towards a mathematical field of application. The programme is offered both full-time (standard period of study three semesters) and part-time (standard period of study five semesters).

Please note that the lecture language is mainly German.

Student Advisory Service Bachelor Applied Mathematics and AI / Master Mathematics

Get straightforward advice on your future degree program! You will find the new dates for our digital student advisory service here shortly. Until then, please contact for questions about the Bachelor's degree programme 'Applied Mathematics & Artificial Intelligence' and 'Mathe² Work & Study' Prof. Dr. Jochen Brunk +49 711 8926 2720 or Prof. Dr. Harald Bauer +49 711 8926 2813 if you have any questions about our 'Mathematics' Master degree programme.

Application deadline

January, 15th (Summer semester)
July, 15th (Winter semester)

Study time

3 Semester Full-Time | 5 Semester Part-Time

Study title

Master of Science (M.Sc.)


Modules of pure and applied mathematics are offered on a scientific basis, computer science modules are to be taken as a subsidiary subject. The teaching of key qualifications is integrated in all courses.
With the specialisation to be chosen by the students before the start of their studies, the course of study is geared towards a mathematical field of application. The aim is to deepen and broaden the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's programme. In the offered specializations Algorithm Engineering (AE) and Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (FV), students learn to understand complex relationships and to develop solutions with mathematical methods

Percentage of courses

68% Vorlesungen zur Mathematik

7% Vorlesungen zur Informatik

25% Vorlesungen zur jeweiligen Vertiefungsrichtung (Finanz-/Versicherungsmathematik oder Algorithm Engineering)

Full-time study program (curriculum from WS 23/24)

Example with start of studies in the winter semester

1st Semester Winter semester2nd Semester Summer semester3d Semester
SeminarStochastic Analysismaster's thesis

Elective module Mathematics 1

Analytical number theory,
Geometric modeling,
Quantum computing,
Special subject

numerical mathematics

Elective module Computer Science

Business Intelligence,
Databases II,
Data Structures and Algorithms,
Software Engineering II


Elective module Mathematics 2

Analytical number theory,
Geometric modeling,
quantum computing,
special subject

AE: Project Algorithms EngineeringAE: Pattern recognition
AE: Models and methods of optimizationAE: Geometric Algorithms
FV: Project Financial and Insurance MathematicsFV: Actuarial mathematics
FV: Finance (Part 1)FV: Finance (Part 2)


Part-time studies (Curriculum since WS 23/24)

Example with start of studies in the winter semester

1st Semester Winter semester2nd Semester Summer semester3rd Semester Winter semester4th Semester Summer semester5th Semester

Elective module Mathematics 1

Analytische Zahlentheorie,
Geometrisches Modellieren,

numerical mathematicsSeminarStochastic Analysismaster's thesis

Elective module Mathematics 2

Analytical number theory,
Geometric modeling,
Quantum computing,
Special subject

Elective Module Computer Science

Business Intelligence,
Databases II,
Data Structures and Algorithms,
Software Engineering II



AE: Project Algorithms Engineering AE: Models and methods of optimizationAE: Pattern recognition
 AE: Geometric Algorithms
FV: Project Financial and Insurance Mathematics FV: Finance (Part 1)FV: Insurance mathematics
 FV: Finance (Part 2)


Application and Requirements

  • First degree course at a German or comparable foreign university with a standard period of study of at least three years in one of the following subjects: mathematics, technomathematics, business mathematics, financial mathematics, actuarial mathematics, statistics, biomathematics, scientific programming, scientific computing or a comparable subject.
  • Above-average first degree.
  • Participation in an interview to assess the applicant's motivation, personal suitability and language skills
  • Computer science knowledge and skills from the first degree: the applicant is proficient in an object-oriented programming language, can select suitable algorithms and data types for practical tasks and use them for the solution.
  • Knowledge and skills for the chosen specialisation:
  • The candidate for the specialisation in financial and actuarial mathematics is familiar with the basic methods for the mathematical description of financial markets, is familiar with the basic concepts of life insurance mathematics and is able to calculate premiums and actuarial reserves.


The Master's programme in Mathematics prepares students for management and development tasks and opens the door to the higher service. After successful completion of the course, there are a wide range of job opportunities with very good career prospects in banks and insurance companies, building societies, IT and telecommunications companies, statistical offices, research and development departments of industry and commercial enterprises as well as software houses and management consultancies. The degree qualifies for a possible doctorate.

International Partner Universities

Eine Studierende mit Rucksack

Studying abroad
For students of the Master's programme in Mathematics there are contacts to partner universities worldwide. The International Office of the University of Applied Sciences promotes and supports you in the preparation and planning of a semester abroad.

If you have any questions, please contact
Prof. Dr. Anngret Weng at any time.

Semester abroad at the University of Split

Student reports about her experiences in Croatia

Martina Rahija spent the summer semester of 2021 as an exchange student in Split. In her Report she explains the requirements for the semester abroad and reports about her everyday life as a student in the field of mathematics. Of course, she also talks about events and excursions organized by the Erasmus Student Network. She also talks about general topics such as housing, food and the weather in Split. This report is very helpful for future exchange students with its practical tips.


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