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Registration for the exams in summer term 2025:

  • Regularly from 21.04. to 28.11.2025 via LSF.
  • Late registrations (subject to a fee:) 29.04.-21.05.2025 in room 1/122.1 There is a fee of 24,- € for this, which must be charged to the student ID in advance!

We have compiled everything you need to know about exam registration in Moodle under ‘Forms for students("Formulare für Studierende").

FAQs about the exams

General information

What is the Study and Examination Regulation (SPO)?

Which study and examination regulations (SPO) apply to me?

What is a module?

What exams are there?

Recognition of (pre-)examination and study achievements

Examination procedure

Examination extension

The result of the exam is not or incorrectly recorded in LSF

How many examination attempts do I have?

Can I repeat passed exams to improve my grade?

Can I take examinations during my leave of absence?

How do I register a third attempt?

How do I register my Bachelor's or Master's thesis?

Standard period of study and maximum duration of study

Examination entitlement

Registration and deregistration of examinations

How can I register for an examination/examination preparation/proof of performance?

Can I register for the exams online at any time?

What do I do if I have missed the online registration?

Can I deregister from the exams at any time?

What should I do if I have forgotten my login for the university online portal LSF?

What do I do if I don't see a service I want to register for in the online registration?

Withdrawal from examinations

Cancellation of examinations during the registration period

Cancellation of examinations after the registration period and up to approx. 17 days before the start of the examination period

Withdrawal from examinations during the examination period

Audit inspection

How can I view my written exams?

Repetition of examinations

What should I do if I fail an examination?

What should I do if I fail an exam for the second time?

When are decisions made regarding the application?

Who decides whether another repeat examination is permitted?

What happens if no application is submitted?

I have failed an elective (compulsory) subject for the second time. What do I have to do?

Contact person