Why is it worth acquiring the "Ethikum" certificate?

  • Working on and reflecting on ethical issues enables you to align your future professional activities with ethical aspects.
  • You can document your commitment to future employers, which goes beyond the requirements of your studies.
  • You will increase your perception and communication skills, improve your social skills and acquire key qualifications for your professional career.
  • You will contribute to strengthening ethical and moral behavior in society.
  • Not least due to numerous undesirable developments before and during the financial and economic crisis and also due to Dieselgate, etc., ethical and sustainability aspects have become considerably more relevant for many companies.

The Ethikum certificate with the focus on 'ethics' or 'sustainability'

The Ethikum is an additional qualification to the Bachelor's or Master's degree program that proves that you have thought outside the box during your studies and have dealt intensively with the topics of ethics and/or sustainable development. The Ethikum certificate can be obtained by all students at universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg.

Workshops 2024

Workshops in the summer semester 2024


ethic points


graded tickets


ethics certificate

Take part in...
  • workshops
  • seminars
  • debate clubs
  • lectures
  • conferences

and have your CPs converted into ethics points!

Luftbildaufnahme der HFT Stuttgart
How do I get the 100 ethics points I need?

FAQs for the Ethikum Certificate

The Ethikum is an additional qualification to the Bachelor's or Master's degree, which proves that you have thought outside the box during your studies and have dealt intensively with the topics of ethics and/or sustainable development.

All students at universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg.

  • The processing and reflection of ethics topics enables you to orient your later professional actions towards ethical aspects.
  • You can document your commitment to future employers, which goes beyond the requirements of your studies.
  • You will increase your ability to perceive and communicate, improve your social skills and acquire key qualifications for your professional activity.
  • You will make a contribution to strengthening ethical and moral behaviour in society.
  • Not least due to numerous undesirable developments before and during the financial and economic crisis and also due to Dieselgate, etc., ethical and sustainability aspects have become considerably more relevant for many companies.

In the ethics course, one does not calculate with credit points as is usually the case in studies, but with ethics points (EP). 1 CP corresponds to 15 EP.

Creditable are ....

  • all offers under the heading "Ethics and Sustainability" in Studium Integrale as well as Service Learning and the new Debating Club
  • the courses offered by the Department for Ethics in Technology and Science (also at other universities in Baden-Württemberg)
  • attendance and written work on ethics lectures
  • various compulsory achievements from the course of studies (see below)

You need

  • three graded certificates with an average of no worse than 2.5
  • at least 100 ethics points
  • a proof of basic knowledge of ethics (e.g. obtainable with online course of the RTWE)

The courses must have a clear thematic reference (ethics/sustainability). It has already been agreed with some subjects what is recognised as standard for the Ethikum. If you want to have a compulsory course credited, your lecturer must provide an exact percentage of the ethical or sustainable part of your work. Your ethics points will be calculated from this percentage. In total, only 30 ethics points from compulsory courses can be credited.

For pure attendance, which you confirm on the attendance list, you will receive 1 EP. In addition, it is possible to submit a written elaboration on the lecture topic, where 1 page = 1 ethics point (e.g. attendance and 3 pages of elaboration = 4 ethics points). This is possible up to a maximum of 15 ethics points (15 ethics points = attendance and 14 pages of elaboration).

Courses with a purely didactic content (e.g. "Learning to learn", "How do I give good presentations?",...) or language courses are not credited.

Dr. Diana Arfeli


Consultant for Ethics

Phone +49 (0)711 8926 2354


Room 1/330

Lectures and conferences

Lecture: Limitarianism - the ecological and social limits of wealth

Thu 13.06.2024, 18:30 - 20:00, Hospitalhof Stuttgart

Limit means boundary, limitation. Limitarianism is a relatively new development in the theory of justice. This approach focuses on analyzing the harmful effects of excessive wealth and looking for political options to prevent this damage. For there are good ecological and social reasons to limit wealth that are not trumped by economic considerations.

SPEAKER: Christian Neuhäuser is Professor of Political Philosophy at TU Darmstadt. His research interests include theories of dignity and responsibility and philosophy of economics.

COOPERATION: International Center for Culture and Technology Research University of Stuttgart (IZKT), Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Protestant Education Center Hospitalhof Stuttgart

Admission is free

LOCATION: Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Büchsenstr. 33, 70174 Stuttgart (directly next to the S-Bahn station Stadtmitte)

Lecture archive

cooperation partners

Our cooperation partners at a glance

Contact person

Tobias Popovic
Tobias Popovic tobias.popovic@hft-stuttgart.de +49 711 8926 2962
Diana Arfeli diana.arfeli@hft-stuttgart.de +49 711 8926 2354