Why is it worth acquiring the "Ethikum" certificate?

  • Working on and reflecting on ethical issues enables you to align your future professional activities with ethical aspects.
  • You can document your commitment to future employers, which goes beyond the requirements of your studies.
  • You will increase your perception and communication skills, improve your social skills and acquire key qualifications for your professional career.
  • You will contribute to strengthening ethical and moral behavior in society.
  • Not least due to numerous undesirable developments before and during the financial and economic crisis and also due to Dieselgate, etc., ethical and sustainability aspects have become considerably more relevant for many companies.

The Ethikum certificate with the focus on 'ethics' or 'sustainability'

The Ethikum is an additional qualification to the Bachelor's or Master's degree program that proves that you have thought outside the box during your studies and have dealt intensively with the topics of ethics and/or sustainable development. The Ethikum certificate can be obtained by all students at universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg.

Workshops 2024

Workshops in the summer semester 2024

100 ethic points

3 graded tickets

1 ethics certificate

Luftbildaufnahme der HFT Stuttgart
How do I get the 100 ethics points I need?

Take part in...

  • workshops
  • seminars
  • debate clubs
  • lectures
  • conferences

and have your CPs converted into ethics points!

FAQs for the Ethikum Certificate

What is the Ethikum?

Who can acquire the Ethikum?

Why is it worthwhile to acquire the Ethikum?

What is an "ethics point"?

Where do I have the opportunity to collect ethics points?

What do I have to prove in order to obtain the ethics certificate?

Which compulsory courses can I have credited to me from my degree course?

Can I receive ethics points by attending ethics lectures? If so, how many?

Which certificates can I not have recognized for the ethics course?

Who can help me if I have any other questions?

Lectures and conferences

Lecture: Limitarianism - the ecological and social limits of wealth

Thu 13.06.2024, 18:30 - 20:00, Hospitalhof Stuttgart

Limit means boundary, limitation. Limitarianism is a relatively new development in the theory of justice. This approach focuses on analyzing the harmful effects of excessive wealth and looking for political options to prevent this damage. For there are good ecological and social reasons to limit wealth that are not trumped by economic considerations.

SPEAKER: Christian Neuhäuser is Professor of Political Philosophy at TU Darmstadt. His research interests include theories of dignity and responsibility and philosophy of economics.

COOPERATION: International Center for Culture and Technology Research University of Stuttgart (IZKT), Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Protestant Education Center Hospitalhof Stuttgart

Admission is free

LOCATION: Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Büchsenstr. 33, 70174 Stuttgart (directly next to the S-Bahn station Stadtmitte)

Lecture archive

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