"VIRTUAL GALLERY" is a joint project with partner universities in Japan to develop and implement new forms of mobility and cooperation, especially with distant countries.

Kenzo Tange

Architecture must have something that appeals to the human heart. Creative work is expressed in our time as a union of technology and humanity.


Step by step, a virtual gallery will be created through the contributions of scholarship holders, students and lecturers from all participating universities. It will provide an immersive experience of innovative community housing projects in Japan and Stuttgart, taking into account social, ecological and economic aspects and can be expanded to include other topics.

The virtual component will be developed through site visits and a series of (hybrid) international workshops and events in Japan and Stuttgart

BWS plus project "VIRTUAL GALLERY"
The Baden-Württemberg Foundation has approved project funding for our "VIRTUAL GALLERY" project for a three-year cooperation (2023-2026) with Japanese universities in Chiba and Nagoya. This is intended to promote the exchange of students and teachers from the participating universities.

What is special about the project is the accompanying development and maintenance of the "VIRTUAL GALLERY". In this digital platform, students are supposed to post analysis and documentation of innovative communal housing projects from Germany and Japan.

This means that the collected information is made permanently accessible to many people via the internet. The mostly positive experiences with digitalisation during the pandemic are intended to support personal exchange between students and teachers, especially in countries that are far apart from one another.

The BWS plus project "VIRTUAL GALLERY" is carried out by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung as part of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM programme for university students.

We would like to thank the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung for their kind support.

Who can participate
Students of the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes in Architecture of the Universities Chiba & Nagoya Zokei

Winter semester: April 30
Summer semester: October 31

Contact persons
Harald Roser, harald.roser(at)hft-stuttgart.de
Brigitte Heintz-Cuscianna, brigitte.heintz-cuscianna(at)hft-stuttgart.de

Further informations on scholarship, courses & accompanying programme

Publish date: 05. March 2024