Point 7 – Architecture lecture series

Lectures on 05/11. | 12/11. | 19/11/2020

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Visualisierung des Innenraum, in dem Konzert stattfindet

Exhibition student works FRUCHTKASTEN

On display in Herrenberg from 11 - 15.10.2020

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Visualisierung Schulgebäude in Landschaft

Bachelor thesis wins competition

Graduate of the Bachelor´s programme in architecture wins 2nd prize

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Entwurf für den Kreativraum

Ideas for a new creative space at HFT Stuttgart

Students of the study course interior design present concepts to a jury.

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Visualisierung sitzender Frauen, die umgestaltete Gaskugel betrachten


Presentation of master theses on the conversion of the natural gas reservoir "Freiburger Gaskugel"

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Gebäude der Fakultät Architektur und Gestaltung

New professors at the faculty Architecture and Design

The lecturers will start on the upcoming winter term 2020/21

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Logo zur Auszeichnung Top Hochschule durch StudyCheck

HFT Stuttgart awarded as top university by StudyCheck

With 9th place, HFT Stuttgart is one of the best Top 10 universities in Germany

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Outstanding Master Thesis in IPM

We congratulate on this extraordinary achievement

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Intro zur Einstein-Ausstellung in Ulm

Exhibition preview for the Albert Einstein Discovery Center Ulm

The HFT Stuttgart master's programme architecture has supported the vision of the association «Albert Einstein Discovery Center Ulm e.V.» to develop a…

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Verleihung der Honorarprofessorenwürde an Dr. Uli Jakob

Dr. Uli Jakob became awarded as honorary professor

The HFT Stuttgart congratulates Dr. Uli Jakob for becoming honorary professor at the faculty Architecture and Design

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Modell Studierendenwettbewerb

1st prize in competition

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Mikala Holme Samsøe bei der Moderation der Vorträge

Review of the Point 7 Lectures at the HFT Stuttgart

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Studierende fängt Bälle mit Papierkleid

Preparation Week | Review

Sterntaler 2.0

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