On Friday, April 26, 2024, the Bachelor's degree course ClimateEngineering is organising this year's Case Study Tag. The aim of the annual event is to present and discuss in detail a few selected, realised and practical examples with a special focus on architecture, energy efficiency, sustainability and a high degree of innovation.

The programme begins with a welcome address by Bachelor's degree course ClimateEngineering. Afterwards, architects, engineers and building owners will report on the planning and implementation of exciting architectural projects.

This year's presentations will include the following projects:

New Park Center Luisenpark, Mannheim
In order to ensure that Luisenpark remains an attractive place to spend time, it became necessary to expand and modernise the park center, which took shape in the "New Park Center" project. After a design phase lasting several years and a successfully completed planning competition, construction began in 2020: The implementation of the New Park Center with its spacious buildings, openly designed experience spaces and modern animal facilities was completed for BUGA 23. An energy and ventilation concept is planned for the buildings that combines energy efficiency with the highest possible thermal and visual comfort.

Client: City of Mannheim
Architect: Bez + Kock
Climate Engineering: Transsolar

New Office Building Nething Generalplaner GmbH in Neu-Ulm
The new office building offers plenty of space for over 100 employees. The clear internal structures ensure that workplaces are created that offer similar conditions for everyone - supplemented by areas for informal communication and concentrated work. The transparent core creates views between all levels and is thus a supporting communication element.

One of the special features of this building is that many elements, such as wall and ceiling elements, were prefabricated. Care was also taken to make the building as CO2-neutral as possible. Wood is therefore the dominant material - concrete is only used in the core of the load-bearing elements.

Client: Nething Generalplaner GmbH
Architect: Nething Generalplaner GmbH
Construction work: Hybrid timber construction, façade elements, carpentry and timber construction work: müllerblaustein HolzBauWerke GmbH

The programme begins at 9:45 am and will end at around 4:00 pm with closing remarks from the Bachelor's degree course ClimateEngineering. Afterwards, everyone is cordially invited to round off the evening with a barbecue in front of Building 8.

We are looking forward to an exciting day full of interesting, informative contributions and hope that many people will attend.

Venue and pre-registration
The event will take place in Building 8 (new building) Room 0.43 on the first floor.

Please register at the following link:
=> https://eveeno.com/229625289

Bachelor's degree course ClimateEngineering

Christin Gegner christin.gegner(at)hft-stuttgart.de
tel: +49 711 8926 2855

Pia Klein pia.klein(at)hft-stuttgart.de
tel: +49 711 8926 2306

The event is free of charge and is requested in accordance with the further training regulations of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Engineers with 4 further training points and with the Chamber of Architects with a scope of 3.5 hours for members and architects / urban planners in internships for the fields of architecture, interior design and urban planning.

Please note
We only have very limited places. If you have already registered and are unable to attend the event for organizational or health reasons, please cancel your registration. Thank you very much!

Students should also register in advance.

Publish date: 18. March 2024