On a total of four wide format printers, prints from 90g/m² on standard paper to 180g/m² on lustre photo paper with a width of 95 cm up to 140 cm can be produced. All devices print with UV-resistant ink. A digital colour production system is available for prints up to DIN-A3 size. Small prints are printed on 100 g/m² satin paper. A network connects the computer rooms available to HFT students with the print service.
Printouts are at cost for our students. Payment is exclusively cashless using the HFT Stuttgart student card. The facility is maintained by trained service personnel. This way students will find support with the layout and implementation of their printouts. The services are exclusively accessible to HFT students for course and workshop purposes. Timely contact with the service personnel and, if necessary, test prints are recommended.

Bau 8, 8/1.26

Claudia Kübler | Telephone +49 (0)711 8926 2600

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 16:15 (during lecture times)
Tuesday by appointment

IMPORTANT:  All information available via MOODLE

Inter-course documents Faculty A
Plot Service Faculty A