Implementation of a hybrid learning program on the topics resilience and mindfulness at universities in Baden-Württemberg


The project "ReMind" is a teaching fellowship, which is funded from January to November 2023 through the program „bwDigiFellows“ of the Stifterverband and the MWK BW. The goal is to design a hybrid, semester-long course platform to promote students' mental health. The course platform includes a website with video and blog posts, workbooks, and face-to-face and online workshops on five different topics. The project addresses all students in Baden-Württemberg across all universities. We will also implement a train-the-trainer program for other universities. Here you can access the associated microsite:

Research questions

In addition to the conception and implementation of the course platform, the project includes a pre-study as well as an ongoing and final evaluation to answer the following questions:

  • To what extent can the course support the mental health of university students?
  • What are the implications for the development of the course platform?


Scientific approach and methods

The course platform will be piloted for the first time in the summer semester of 2023 from April to August at HFT Stuttgart. In the further development of the project, the exchange and implementation at other universities will be planned. The evaluation will take place in the form of interviews and surveys.

Targeted results

The goal is to capture key findings and implications for the creation of university programs in the area of personal development and health promotion.

  • Logo Stifterverband
ManagementProf. Dr. Katrin Allmendinger, Anke Pfeiffer
Grant No.NN
FundingMinistry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg (MWK BW); Donor's Association for German Science
Programme bwDigiFellows
Call for proposal

Fellowships for teaching innovations and support offers in digital university teaching




Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone
Professor+49 711 8926 2902 L 119
Head of Service Center for Learning & Teaching +49 711 8926 2639 1/327