Sensor network for the measurement of environmental data


For the investigation of environmental data and air pollution experimental data are required with high spatial resolution in urban areas. Actual measurement systems provide data only at few sampling points due to their size and complexity or the requirement for the connection to electric power installations. For this project the development of compact sensor systems is therefore investigated with a very low power consumption. This allows a very flexible setup and distribution of a network of such sensors without the need for additional installations and supporting means.

Research Question

The main questions and challenges for this project are the development of sensors with a very low power consumption where at the same time the necessary measurement accuracy must be guaranteed.

Scientific approach and methods

To address the two main challenges, low power consumption and high measurement accuracy, suitable sensors are analysed in respect to power consumption and accuracy. The accuracy will be especially tested under the different operation conditions which are to be expected. A right balance between power consumption and measurement accuracy has to be found for the total system. Additional, possibilities for additional energy harvesting will be studied to extend the duration of the self-powered operation of the system.

Targeted results

The goal of the project is the development of a sensor network for the measurement of environmental data. This network should demonstrate the functionality and possibilities of such a system and be able to be used for more in-deep investigations of the distribution and spread of air pollutions. Also, first measurement results should be provided of environmental data with higher spatial resolution.

ManagementProf. Dr. Detlef Pape
WebsiteiCity: Intelligent City
FundingFederal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


Forschung an Fachhochschulen

Call for proposal

Strong universities of applied sciences - impulse for the region (FH-Impuls)

Duration01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023, extended until 30.04.2024



Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone
Professor+49 711 8926 2593 2/112
Academic Staff Member+49 711 8926 2732 2/246