Acoustics of energy-optimised facades - Acoustic optimisation of decentralised ventilation units


Within the framework of the strategic partnership for the intelligent city i_city, novel concepts for sustainable, energy-efficient and resource-saving urban development are being developed, which, with increased use of information technology, ensure a higher degree of networking of energy systems, smart buildings and network infrastructure. In the field of action "Innovative building structures and technologies", investigations are carried out in cooperation with SIEGENIA-AUBI KG to optimise the sound power and sound insulation of decentralised ventilation units. Due to the energy turnaround, the building envelope is constructed increasingly airtight, making additional ventilation systems necessary for the health and comfort of the occupants. However, ventilation units have two acoustic disadvantages. On the one hand, they can reduce the sound insulation of the façade, and on the other hand they are an additional source of noise.

Research Question

Can the sound power emitted by ventilation units be reduced by innovative solutions? Can the sound insulation of ventilation units be increased by innovative solutions?


Within the project, the understanding of the physical phenomena of sound insulation and sound generation of these ventilation devices will be increased through targeted series of measurements and theoretical investigations. With the new findings, optimisation concepts are developed and validated by further measurement campaigns.

Targeted results

The aim of the project is to achieve a significant increase in the acoustic properties (reduction of sound power and increase in sound insulation) of the ventilation devices without impairing the ventilation properties of the devices.

ManagementProf. Dr.-Ing. Berndt Zeitler
PartnerSiegenia-Aubi KG
FundingFederal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Call for proposalFH-Impulse



Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone
Professor, Member of IAF Directorium+49 711 8926 2507 7/104
Academic staff memeber+49 711 8926 2879 7/113