Overview and Research Question
The joint project with ewi Köln analyses local energy markets as a link between regional and central energy system transformation. The sub-project of the HFT Stuttgart is concerned with the model-based analysis of regional power generation systems based on the simulation platform SimStadt. EnSys-LE addresses the question of how local and national energy systems behave in relation to each other. For four representative districts in Germany, the potential for renewable energies is investigated and how it compares to the national targets for renewable energies.
The first step is an economic analysis of the basis for regulation and market organisation, which takes into account central and decentralised developments in the entire energy system. Based on this, a model framework will be developed between the HFT and ewi, which maps decentralised and centralised market structures with the necessary high degree of technical detail by further developing and coupling a total of three existing models. Finally, this model framework will be used for the parallel and interacting simulation of energy supply scenarios in four exemplary counties as well as of the electricity and heat system at the federal level in order to derive an assessment of selected forms of market organisation and regulation.
The project objective on the part of HFT was to expand the simulation environment SimStadt, which has been in continuous development since 2012, to include new parameters and technologies that are essential for the analysis of regional energy systems. In particular, workflows for the analysis of regional potentials for ground-mounted photovoltaics and onshore wind power were developed, and the cost parameters in the workflow for rooftop photovoltaics were updated. In a neighboring project, a workflow was also developed for the survey of regional bioenergy potentials.
Thus, it is now possible to determine the potentials of all renewable energies relevant for a German region within SimStadt in high spatial resolution, based on a uniform, geoinformatic database, and to compare these with the electricity and heat requirements of this region determined in equally high spatial resolution. Furthermore, land use conflicts were investigated in detail in the project using the example of bioenergy and ground-mounted photovoltaics.
The successful coupling of SimStadt with the models of the project partner ewi (Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne) furthermore allowed the extension of the model framework from a comparison of regional potentials and demands (SimStadt) to a regionally optimized energy system on the one hand (COMODO) and the comparison and mirroring of the modeling results in a supraregional framework (DIMENSION).
Project publications:
- Keyu Bao, Louis Kalisch, Thunyathep Santhanavanich, Daniela Thrän, Bastian Schröter (2022): A bottom-up GIS-based method for simulation of ground-mounted PV potentials at regional scale, Energy Reports, Volume 8, 2022, Pages 5053-5066. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2022.03.187
- Bao K, Padsala R, Coors V, Thrän D, Schröter B. 2020. A Method for Assessing Regional Bioenergy Potentials Based on GIS Data and a Dynamic Yield Simulation Model. Energies 13(24).
https://doi.org/10.3390/en13246488 - Keyu Bao, Daniela Thrän, Bastian Schröter (2023); Land resource allocation between biomass and ground-mounted PV under consideration of the food–water–energy nexus framework at regional scale, Renewable Energy, Volume 203, 2023, Pages 323-333
Management | Prof. Dr. Bastian Schröter (zafh.net), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Coors (ZGG) |
Partner (external) | Energy Economics Institute at the University of Cologne gGmbH (EWI) |
Funding | Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
Call for proposal | Federal Gazette |
Duration | 15.03.2019 - 30.09.2021, extended until 30.03.2022 |
Name & Position | E-Mail & Telephone | |
Vice-President Research and Digitization | +49 711 8926 2663 | 1/121 |
Professor | +49 711 8926 2371 | 7/028 |
Academic/Research Staff Member (GeoInformatic) | +49 711 8926 2838 | 2/281 |
Academic Staff Member | +49 711 8926 2549 | 2/281 |