On June 15 and 16, everything revolved around the topics of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality (AR / VR / MR = XR) at the XR Expo. At the Haus der Wirtschaft, HFT Stuttgart showed how diverse our research and educational approaches are in these cutting-edge fields.

The industry meeting of companies and research institutes in the fields of Virtual Engineering, AR / VR and Mixed Reality took place again in the direct neighborhood of the HFT, in the Haus der Wirtschaft. In contrast to the XR Expo 2022, which was additionally integrated into the XR Week last year, it was planned without the additional conference. Accompanying lectures and workshops were nevertheless offered in addition to the diverse exhibitors.

The HFT booth had a lot to offer

The HFT Stuttgart was represented with a booth and a variety of topics. The main attraction was the City Demonstrator, on which visitors could move freely in a VR world by means of a KAT Walk. On this "treadmill" one can turn 360° and move forward, backward and sideways. The visitors were immersed in the VR environment of the Streetmoves4iCity project, a part of the iCity project. In the project, alternative urban scenarios for an inner-city neighborhood in Stuttgart are to be presented with the help of participation tools. These are based on a different mobility behavior and the resulting changes for the urban space. The goal is to make the added value of a car-free city individually tangible and to increase the willingness for a user-driven mobility turnaround.

Due to the limited space at the booth, other contributions were represented in turn, whereby the visitors could also always become active themselves and test the tools on site:

  • the virtual showroom of the research group Digitalization and Information Management
  • Results of the bachelor thesis "Office Layout design using Augmented and Mixed Reality" on the HoloLense2
  • the Cyber Classroom with its current new interactive modules
  • a presentation on the project AVILAB2 - integration of pedagogical agents in a virtual-immersive 3D learning platform with connection to the National Education Platform using the example of digital university teaching

Pantomime and fortune cookies create positive attention

We were again supported by the pantomime Pablo Zibes. With his cheeky and charming manner, he ensured a constant flow of visitors to the stand and entertained visitors during waiting times. Thanks to him and our fortune cookie lottery, the HFT stood out very positively at the otherwise very sober-technical exhibition, which was not least shown by the multiple visits of the in-house photographer as well as many visits of colleagues from other booths. Now we have to take up the newly established contacts and put our own fortune cookie slogans into practice, for example: "Turn to the coming. Potential partners are waiting for you at the HFT Stuttgart booth."

Publish date: 20. June 2023
By Anja Ernst (anja.ernst@hft-stuttgart.de)